I took my12 year old granddaughter to the Mall in Cape Girardeau, Missouri yesterday on 9/14/09 at appox. 4:00 pm She was to go into a store and purchase a shirt. I told her I would meet her outside at the main entrance in 20 minutes. She when in made her purchase and instead of coming on out as she was suppose to she went into a store called claires. While there she put a pair of earrings and a necklace in her bag. Total value with tax was $18.46.
When she didnt return I went to security in the mall and ask them to page her since she didnt have her cell phone. After the second page a security office came and told me they had her for shoplifting. I went to the store with the officer and ask what was going on she had never left the store and I offered to pay for the items. The clerk refused and told me she had to prosecute her. She then called the local Police who came out made the arrest and took her to Juvenile Detention Center. I want to know since the Child never took the items out of the store did she legal shoplift the items.
Each state varies, but in some states, yes, this is still shoplifting. She concealed the items and it was obvious that she had no intention of paying for them. And some stores do have a policy that their employees are required to prosecute.
Not leaving store may mean little. Concealment alone in some states is a crime and even if not if she was heading towards exit and past last point of sale she may still meet criteria. Visit the website that is linked in my signature line there are experts there who will likey have your answers
hmm, more than likely if someone is caught with store items that are purposely concealed with the intention of walking out of the store with them for "Free" then, yes this still is deemed as a shoplifting attempt...
My first question is why did you allow your 12 year old daughter to go anywhere alone. Secondly, arresting her may have been a little extreme seeing as she is quite young, this would serve as a "lesson learned", not a cause for an arrest.
Please don't chastise the woman for letting a 12 year old go somewhere alone. My God we are getting to where you have to be an adult to have any personal responsibility. She didn't take her to the mall and just drop her off for the day, she went outside and left her for 20 min. We coddle our young people and tell them they are kids until they are 22. As a result we get KIDS until they are 22. Teaching a child some personal responsibility at a younger age is good for them. Holding their hand until they are 22 just makes them immature.
You should be glad this happened to her at this age. I personally would apply the board of correction to her rear-end when the Judge got finished with her. Fortunately for all concerned this won't cause her any permanent damage. You are going to be fine, just milk the lesson for all you can. Good luck.
Yes, let's all let our pre-pubescent twelve year old children walk around without adult supervision - worked great here. Next, you'll be advocating for them to have drivers licenses, too. Give me a break.