Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft Minor caught shoplifting, what's going to happen to me?

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New Member
i know, i know. i was stupid, i know that i shouldn't have done it and i cried, i regret it. But i'm really afraid for what's going to happen to me.
i'm 16 and an employee of the store, i was fired from it for shoplifting there about 5 times. they knew about every single time i shoplifted for about a few months and they called me in today the first time. asked about it, and told me they were calling the cops. i didn't know why they didn't call me the first time they found out?

the cop came, arrested me (i stole about 233 dollars of stuff total)
i now have a court date awaiting me.

what i'm REALLY worried about is since they have it on tape of me shoplifting 5+ times, would the judge see it as my first offense? or more like my 6th offense?

would i get sent to jail? please, i'm so scared for my future and i just want advice

by the way i live in minnesota
About $233.00? Its important to know if it was over $250.00 which is the felony threshold. Also do you know charge you got? Penal code would help. You are facing serious charges (possible felony) you need a Lawyer! Now without knowing if you crossed Felony level or the charge its hard to say about punishment. Come back with that we can be of more help.
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