My daughter was caught last night out in town around 2:30 in the morning.When they found her she was being questioned for eggings that were occuring at the same time. They smelled alcohol on her breathe and she took a breathalizer test and she blew a .63 I believe. They took her in for minor in posession. She is already on diversion and they said that since her diversion time is not up that they are gonna void the diversion and hold it against her as another MIP. So that will be two going against her. Is this what is really gonna happen?
She was arrested around 3 am and didnt get home until 345.
They took the breathalizer before she was arrested. She is 17. and the others she wont tell who they were. But only one other was drinking. Shes only on diversion now and isnt supposed to get in trouble. There was really no other terms. And Took place around 230. Will they hold her diversion against her?
That is good and bad. Diversion didn't work the first time, there is no reason to think it will the second time. Also, your daughter learns that there are no real consequences and has little reason to change.
She is lucky the state can not afford to impose the punishment the law allows.
No this is good period. She knows there is consequences to everything, she has learned this at home. And watched her brother as she was growing up who lived in juvenile detention his entire teenage life.. The system is royally messed up and we got lucky they are as messed up as they are to not have to deal with every little issue. If she would have been charged her diversion officer who would have also been her probation said that she would not have gotten maximum anyways.
i agree they can hold her responsible for both charges since she didn't hold to the terms of the diversion program.
So, if experience is a teacher, I expect she may be back in trouble before long because she is already learning that the juvenile system is filled with loopholes to let her get away with things. She will be very surprised when she turns 18 and the system holds actually her accountable for her indiscretions.
Is WA like many other states and this conviction is going to cause her to lose her driver's license for a year or more? At least that might be something that could be used to hit her over the head and drive home the importance of these laws to her.
Well not all teenagers are the same. Some may need that beating over the head but she doesnt. Kids do stupid things. She didnt get her license taken away like we thought though. So something must have went wrong with that.