Alcohol & Drugs: MIP, MIC, Intoxication mip mishap

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I was at my home which I am a tenant with another young man college town- I was sleeping woke up with a panic attack and headache decided to go to Walmart - My roommate had a house full of friends over his friends - some of which I am scared of and don't associate with. They do not like me because I get better grades and praise on our college team. ok. I leave house minutes after I left I call my roommate to advise him police cars down the street advising his he better clear out "party" right. Cops come and everyone gets MIP. I am being called on my cell that I need to return to house because I too will be getting a MIP ? I at this point was very scared so I called my parents and they came to pick me up at the hospital blocks away from house and across street from Walmart because I was so freaked out and scared they (the party guys) would throw me under the bus as well since they don't like me anyway and the majority of the guest were our ball team which I am a part of. I did not drink alcohol. I was not there. I told them I was in route home with a panic attack as my parents picked me up and drove me nearly a hour home from hospital. Today I get a MIP ticket in mail? I can prove I went to Walmart and purchased medication for headache and I suffer from anxiety attacks - I can prove I was at hospital and tt nurse- I waited on my mom because she had my brand new different insurance card and we went home?

I put a call into officer as he comes on duty later tonight? I am certain the others probably told officer I left and was drinking but I was not. What is your advise? I certainly want to keep a clean record and I am a college athlete that could effect. Transcripts will show I am not at their level and at sememester I will seek a more secure housing. One of the guest just had 14 charges filed against him recently and is a fighter. I was fearful of him being there. My name is on lease. Please advise.
What was the code section on the citation? And, if not a state code, what town are you in?

Understand that you were probably not charged with consuming alcohol, but for something related to hosting an underage drinking party or allowing underage consumption. The state has to ultimately prove that you knew this was going on. Whether they can or not will depend on facts we do not know.

If you have been charged, you should consider speaking with an attorney. If this is an offense for which you can qualify for a public defender and you cannot otherwise afford legal counsel, you might consider speaking to that attorney and NOT to your roomie or the teammates.
You have a right to remain silent.

Do not discuss ANY aspect of this with the police or the persecutor.

Hire a lawyer, and speak ONLY to your lawyer about this.

If you're smart, as in clever and diabolical, who's to say you were there ANYTIME within the last 24 or 48 hours?

The LESS you say, (which should be NOTHING, except NOT GUILTY, YOUR HONOR) the better!!!!!

Even OJ, the greatest alleged knife killer, cutter, slasher, butcher NEVER convicted of all time couldn't just talk, blab, and lie his way out of it!!!!!
Agree that your best bet is to talk to a lawyer & no one else. Plead not guilty in court. Good luck.
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