misdemeanor and job interview questions

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I am 35 and am interviewing for my dream job Monday. It would be working with at risk kids and the pay is really good. I desperately want this job.

Here is the problem as briefly as possible. I had no record until last month. I was convicted of misdemeanor embezzlement. I was charged w/ 2 felonies and after four offers at a reduced charge, I took this. I was actually innocent. However, I was newly married to a wife from another country who just moved here. As a result of the arrest, and my inability to make bail, I lost my car, job, animals and she had to move out of our apartment and into the house of our pastor. I desperately wanted to fight the charge, but had already spent 2 months in jail up until my plea/sentencing trial. Going to trial would have meant 2 more months at least. If convicted, I faced 6 years in jail. Had I had my own lawyer, I would have taken the chance. But I decided against this risk while depending on a public defender. My deal involved only the misdemeanor and restitution. Not even probation was given.

My lawyer told me she believed I was innocent and was "fairly" certain I would win in trial. Again, I decided I did not want to risk it. I was most adamant about the felonies being dropped.

My question is how to go about my interview? I know because it involves kids, a background check will be performed. But do I tell her about it before? She is likely to say "that's what they all say" if I tell her I did not do it and was left little choice but to take the deal. I have even considered putting her into contact with the lawyer. Perhaps she would put light onto the situation. Is this a bad idea? Also, do you think this charge will disqualify me? What really stinks is the warrant was issued in 2004. I had no idea of the warrants until I was arrested. Now I have to wait 3 years for it to be sealed. But since the CHARGE is over 4 years, shouldnt it be sealed now? But that is a question for another topic. Thanks for any advice.
Your best bet is to be up front about it. If they do a background check and ask if you've ever been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor, tell the truth. When they do a background (and I'm sure they will considering the type of job that it is) they WILL find out eventually. If you aren't up front about it, you will be immediately disqualified.

Better to cop to it, explain the situation and let them decide from there. If they are doing a background check you may even be able to give your lawyer permission to speak to them about your case and she can tell them her thoughts.
i definitely plan to admit to the CONVICTION. i was more curious if i should bother with the "i didnt do it" story. although true, i am not sure if it will help me or cause her to think i am a liar as well. most people are going to assume i am guilty and that of course "nobody is ever guilty. and i would definitley encourage her to talk to my lawyer. she would explain the thoughts i conveyed and how i did not want to tak a deal.

thanks for the reply
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