Arrest, Search, Seizure, Warrant Misdemeanor On Record?????

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New Member
If anybody could answer my question that would be great.

I was arrested in front of my friends house in 2001 for possesion of marijuana. All i had was about 7 grams, this was my first time being arrested as an adult. I went to jail for about 6 hours, i was in the horseshoe which stunk like farts n feet. I had court the same day, all i got was 16 hours of some rehab classes and a 700 fee. My charge was dropped to a misdemeanor. I have since completed my hours and paid off my fee. I am just wondering now because I lately been looking for a job and of course on most applications they ask if you were ever convicted of a felony? now... what exsactly do they mean. i know i was convicted but dropped to a misdemeanor. most likely i think it will show up on my record. my question is what should i put on a application when they ask this? should i xplain myself or put misdemeanor or what??? do i have a chance on getting a job? is this crime really bad? anyone please help me. Thank You.
if charges were reduced to a misdemeanor then you have been convicted of a misdemeanor, not of a felony.

So if the question is "have you been convicted of a felony" you can, in good conscience, answer "no."

Of course, if they ask "have you ever been convicted of a crime" things look different.
saweet! thnx, i just got a job with a really good compay and benefits. i answered no on that question and i guess they didnt check or sumthing. i drank some detox so i could mask my pee, i passed the drug test yus!. pothead succes :D
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