misdemeanor probatoin flee

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First off i know what i did wasnt wise in doing so , at the time i knew no other option.

Seattle , WA ( KING COUNTY )

6 months ago, my wife and I got into a verbal argument and led too an accidentital shove , my daughter was holding too my leg when we was arguing and my wife went for my daughter , i extended too my arm too block her from rushing me and my daughter which resulted in a "shove" the neighbors called the cops and long story short i got charged with DV Misdemeanor. Not that it matters but my wife didnt want neither of the charges or the no contact ordered they issued. I had no money and was dumb and just pleaded out. I got 2 yrs probation and after i agreed too that they slapped a 2 yr no contact order too.

My wife moved too Tennessee as we was planning because of work. Of course i couldnt go being the NCO. I stayed and followed probation and looked and looked for work. I became homeless , as money ran out. Probation or anything wouldnt help , i couldnt ask a lawyer as i had no money and no place too lvie , so i left and went too TN and staying with my wife.. i know this is breaking the law i just didnt know what else too do when i had nowhere too go , we was gonna try to work it out legaly but we was broke. So anyways i been in TN for a few months and i got a job. So the question is , is there anyway i can handle this through lawyers, without going back too seattle and getting arrested loseing my job and such.Or am i pretty much screwd being the No contact order and the Fleeing misdemeanor probation?

Sorry for the long explanation i just wanted too try too get the story straight. so if anyone knows of my options thank you.
You can try and speak with an Attorney about this but, you violated both. The No Contact Order and Probation. May cost some BIG bucks to tackle this one. Good Luck!
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