Misdemeanor views.......

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The state or country I am talking about is: Savannah,G.A

My boyfriend is on parole, recently he was arrested because we had an argument in the middle street Now is parole officer want to send him back to prison for 6 months ,I no this not fair,I don't no who to talk to concerning this matter.I also paid a attorney but ,I feel like he did nothing.It's just an misdemeanor why should this be an violation of his parole .This was suppose to be our second chance at this life ,we just had an argument we didn't mean for it to cause him to go back to prison,please help me Landon
Can't say much here without the details, but just to set this straight: a misdemeanor is a pretty serious crime, people can be put to jail for up to a year for committing a misdemeanor, so don't be surprised that being charged with a misdemeanor will lead to revocation of parole. The idea of parole is not to commit ANY crime, zilch, none.

I assume that your boyfriend is either being charged with domestic violence or with some kind of disorderly conduct, both of which definitely can be enough to revoke parole in most places. Disorderly conduct charges, however, often can be dismissed or reduced to infractions, so he should consult an attorney.

NYClex said:
Can't say much here without the details, but just to set this straight: a misdemeanor is a pretty serious crime, people can be put to jail for up to a year for committing a misdemeanor, so don't be surprised that being charged with a misdemeanor will lead to revocation of parole. The idea of parole is not to commit ANY crime, zilch, none.

I assume that your boyfriend is either being charged with domestic violence or with some kind of disorderly conduct, both of which definitely can be enough to revoke parole in most places. Disorderly conduct charges, however, often can be dismissed or reduced to infractions, so he should consult an attorney.

Also I forgot to mention that is parole officer as it in for Paull and I no that will make this whole situatio worse.We do have an Attorney but he acts has if he can care less about me and my boyfriend .Just let the NYCLEX no my situation least I no what to expect now.But I have one more question Do you think we are doing the right thing to let the paroleboard decide our faith>I hope at this point I 'm really putting it in GOD hands.Iwould like to thankl you for your help an guidance ,Thankyou very much ,Landon
well, you have an attorney, he is supposed to be your advocate at the parole board, I guess this is all you can do in this situation.
NYClex said:
well, you have an attorney, he is supposed to be your advocate at the parole board, I guess this is all you can do in this situation.

Sure seems about right to me, sorry to hear that this happened, but hopefully this will be a lesson learned, albeit a painful one, not that I'm an atty or anything, just have been around a little while and have heard about similar cases. Unfortunately, when you're on parole, you have to very careful, I.E., a law abiding citizen. You can't get into fights in public, etc., I've even heard of just a speeding ticket sending those on parole back to jail. Good luck,
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