Consumer Law, Warranties Missing contract

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I was in the process of hiring an attorney to file a civil suit concerning usurious interest rates. This concerns a personal loan between 2 individuals where the lender took advantage of the borrower and charged way over the legal limit interest on the loan. This involves over $10,000. The loan was paid in full and there are receipts to prove this. When gathering documents to take to attorney's office to discuss the potential suit I discovered that my copy of the contract stating terms of loan is missing. I have looked everywhere but have not located it. Can I still file suit without my copy of the contract? The person I borrowed the money from has a copy. I also have discussed the situation with the local DA's office as there are extenuating circumstances concerning the collateral I put up. The DA contacted the lender to discuss the situation and the lender admitted to DA the amount of interest that was charged. Can a statement from the DA verifying the terms of loan suffice if I cannot find my copy of contract? What should I do, just tell attorney I can't find it? Help!

Totally distressed
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