Mistake or theft?

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I work for a company that deals in Information technology. Anyway, about 2.5 weeks now, I was working in a building doing some work, and I came across a computer that had issues. Normally I take a look at the pc right then and there, but was the end of business and I decided to take it with me the the main office to have a look. However, upon leaving the area, I saw it was 3PM, and deciced that I would drop it off the next day, as I have done time and time again.

Well, I got home and took it out and placed it in my house, I don't leave assets in my car, shady neighborhood. The next day, I totally forgot I left it in my house, and I didn't return to that area either, as I was told to goto another area. Then to make matters worse, I was on vacation the whole next week, so you know my mind was not thinking about assets. A week goes past, and I get back this monday (12th) and I was asked about the machine. Of couse since I left in my house, I totally forgot about it and denied it. However, today, I spoke with an officer, as its commonly for a police report to be filed, and after speaking to him, I remembered the computer and took it back to the main office. All the while the only two things I could think about was my upcoming vacation and the fact I have to interview and talk a test to re-apply for my new position (this has been a toll on me for 1 month now, I can't even remember where I leave me cell phone at times.)

Well, of course, I was upset and frustated with myself for forgetting this issue, and management saw this and told me to take the day of and relax. Later I was told I was being placed on suspened leave with pay, til Human Resources looks this incident over.

My issue is, can this be viewed as theft??? Being a Field tech, we are always in the field getting and moving equipment, and it is common for things to be mixed up. I am totally beating myself up, after being at this company for 4 years now and I am also applying for a new position there.

Very nervous here, though I was told to see it as a mistake, I don't know.

It COULD be viewed as a theft, yes. But since they told you to view it as a mistake, it's doubtful that theft will be the final determination.

It was, however, a mistake that could legally end in your termination of employment. I'n not saying they WILL term you; I'm saying that they don't have to call it a theft for them to do so.
My issue is, can this be viewed as theft??? You took a computer home, didn't return it for several weeks and when asked if you had it, you said no. Lots of employers would certainly conclude you intended to steal it.

Let's hope your employer knows you well enough to know you wouldn't do that and that your job duties are such that it's indeed possible you truly forget you had it.
Beth3 said:
My issue is, can this be viewed as theft??? You took a computer home, didn't return it for several weeks and when asked if you had it, you said no. Lots of employers would certainly conclude you intended to steal it.

Let's hope your employer knows you well enough to know you wouldn't do that and that your job duties are such that it's indeed possible you truly forget you had it.

No, I took a computer out of service to repair it, and I didn't have access to the work van, so as always I had to use my personal vehicle. Then the following week I was on vacation, and I forgot. Like you said, hopefully, they know me enough (4 years should be enough) to find me at the very least very dumb for forgetting this.
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