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My son's mother filed a modification with contempt pending the modification hearing. She is seeking to raise the amount . I do not pay for our son's child support and I am able to provide for him in my care while she do in her care and her time. We have legal joint and she has sole legal. I want to have child support dismissed and my back pay waived as I can provide for him in my time. I have him about 25% of the time.

What are ways I can avoid them modifying it to go higher?
My son's mother filed a modification with contempt pending the modification hearing. She is seeking to raise the amount . I do not pay for our son's child support and I am able to provide for him in my care while she do in her care and her time. We have legal joint and she has sole legal. I want to have child support dismissed and my back pay waived as I can provide for him in my time. I have him about 25% of the time.

What are ways I can avoid them modifying it to go higher?

If such a remedy exists, it can only be achieved by going back to the court from which the current support order emanated.

I suggest you HIRE an attorney to seek that which you desire.
So you have an order to pay child support? As long as the court orders you to pay child support you have to pay it until the court says otherwise.

As stated get a lawyer.
So you only pay your son's expenses the 25% of the time he is with you and not according to the court order? Not ok. If the court ordered you to pay support, you owe support. Period.

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