Mold vs Property management and remediation methods

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I currently have a situation in my home where I have mold growing on my window sills and in the wall and ceiling in my bathroom. I myself am an WRT (water damage restoration tech) and AMRT (applied microbial remediation tech) certified tech, so I understand the do's and dont's of mold, cleaning mold, and preventing mold.

my problem is this. after contacting our housing management office, we received a call back stating that their maintenance guy will be coming over to handle the issue. they will be spraying the mold with bleach and wiping it off.

to some degree it is one cleaning method that can be used except when there is excessive growth. I currently have 1/8 to 1/4" tall growth in my master bedroom window. ( note: all windows in my home are open for about 5 hrs out of the day. ) we are being told that it is a ventillation issue and that we need to open the windows more. the major problem I have is what sort of contamination level will they cause in my home being that they are using a method that increases sporilation of the mold with contact of the liquid in bleach. ( when mold sporilates, it increases its mycotoxin output ) causing higher levels of toxification to the environment. They will not be using any sort of containment to keep my home safe, nor will they be using any sort of HEPA vac to initially clean the moldy area's before damp wiping.

so now I will have a home that has mold, and after their work is complete, I will then have a home with higher elevated mold spore counts, plus clothes, bedding and any other linen items in my home and mostly in my bedroom that will now be contaminated with mold spores.

what sort if legal standing to I have as a resident in their facility?

what sort of legal standing to I have due to the contamination that they are going to cause in my home ( with my 3 young children )

I cannot tell them NOT to do the work since it is their facility and they will do as they must to ensure that they maintain their homes to their standards. But I am afraid that after learning what I do know about the remediation process that should take place. I am afraid of what they will do to the air quality in my home and the possible effects it will have of my family.

P.S. I am in the state of California.

thank you!
Clear something up: Whose land is this?
im not quite sure what you mean.

are you asking who's land the apt complex is on? it is privatly owned and managed by a property management company.

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Keep AC on when windows are not open....ventilation is the key during the mold removal process.....frankly, you should have an inspector in to view the situation and then get a REAL mold tech - not affiliated with your co - to provide a written report and THAT evidence is what you use to break your lease and/or document any health issues....your he said/he said won't get it done.
Have you thought about asking your property management to give you another unit to live at? And why not move out of there if it is harming your family?
my complex currently does not have any units to move us into. also they stated that it is not their problem but a cleaning issue. ( my wife is one of the cleanest clean freaks I know )

these people need to take some training!
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