Mom needs help


New Member
North Carolina
My mom is suffering from dementia and or Alzheimers, (75 yrs old) not sure what if anything step-dad does for her as far as meds, he dodges any direct questions.
He won't hire professionals to care for her or take her to adult daycare. Just a few years ago when she was loosing the ability to make her own choices he sold their NJ home and moved to NC (where no family lives) they purchased the NC home with cash.
This past December he told my sibling that he wanted to create a living trust for both of them but our mom refused to, sign or change her will. So he could only create a living trust for himself.. This prompted me to do some digging. This past November he and my mom signed a quitclaim dead transferring the property from their names into "HIS" living trust. He made no mention of transfering the property into his own living trust to my sibling. My moms signature looks like its written by a 6 year old.

My concern is that she worked very hard all her life, entered into a marriage with someone who was not as well off and didn't earn as much as she thu the years.. and now he isn't providing her with the care she deserves.

I don's see how this can benefit my mom, am I missing something?
If your Mom was not of sound mind when the property was transferred to the trust, the transfer could be illegal and her husband guilty of elder abuse.

You might call whatever elder abuse services located where they live and have an investigation started as to her well-being.

You wrote that the transfer happened a few years ago. Depending on how long, there may be nothing you can do about it. Consult an attorney in NC and review your options.

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