Month to month roommates have another person sleeping at the house


New Member
My wife and I rent out one of our bedrooms month to month all bills paid. The gentleman
That is renting our room invited a friend and his pet cat to stay at our house. Never informed us he just showed up at six in the morning. It has now been four days. We do not want this man in our house we have no clue who he is. Can we tell him that his friend and his friends pet cannot stay the night our house. We do not have any kind of agreement written down on paper only verbal. He is not on any kind of lease it is month to month.
The sooner you act to remove him the less he can argue a right to stay. Is there anything in the lease agreement about guests and how long they can stay? If not, there should be.
Your tenant needs to know this is not allowed. Inform the guest immediately that he must leave and is not welcome to stay.
You can tell him anything you like. If he refuses to leave at your request, I suggest you call the police to get this person removed from your home ASAP.

By the way, what does your written lease with your tenant say about subleasing?

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