a friend of mine wants to know what can he do or what rights he may have, if any. His girlfriend had a child 8 months ago. they were together the whole time but broke up 3 months after the child was born. He believed the child was his and signed the birth certificate. he bonded strongly with the child during that time, but there was a doubt about paternity, as the child looked like he was a mixed breed. They are both caucasion but he had some african american features and coloration. nevertheless, he still bonded with the child even with the doubt. Well, as i said, they split up when he was 3 months old, he is now 8 months old. the mother recently had a DNA test done with the father who she believed was the father (who IS african american) the test came back positive and now she wants to change the last name (which was in the ex-boyfriend's name). she also will not let the ex-boyfriend see the child. he still wants to be a part of the childs life even though he knows the situation. does he have ANY rights at all?