Mothers estate in limbo


New Member
My mom passed in August of last year. My sister grabbed all of the documents and said the will could not be found. The will was never filed and the law firm that made it in 1989 is out of business and has no copies of it. We went as saw a lawyer she chose but after meeting she refused to sign on saying we had 50/50 say in the sale of the house. I got my own lawyer and she signed right away. I got a loan to buy the house but we need two court orders. And order saying we can legally sell it and one for a stipulation for the order built into the purchase agreement between us. But the inventory has not been filed and her lawyer has the list. She never let me see the list and I trusted her. I have signed my end of the inventory minus seeing the list. The list is needed to file the inventory. They inventory has to be filed in order the the court order to say we can sell the house. Now I have a court order saying the inventory has not been filed. And still she nor her lawyer does anything. My lawyer wants to remove her from the co seller but wants another 5000 to do so. I have paid already 8000 and she has onmy paid $2500 for her guy. We are 50/50 by law but she keeps delaying. The agreement my lawyer made says they have to move expeditously with documents and such in the event the sale does not go through for any reason. They have not but those seems to be just words in paper. Another lawyer with same firm is not representing me. But this is going nowhere. And with the $5000 retainer bo guarantee of an outcome.
I'm sorry to hear that. You didn't ask a question, but even if you had, you are represented. Talk to your lawyer, as your lawyer knows all the details of the situation.
My heart goes out to you, mate.
May your mother rest in peace, as you mourn and grieve her passing.

I've seen the work of what I call, The Buzzards of Death.
They're very greedy.
They care not about the deceased.
They care about pilfering and filling their evil hearts, hands, bags, carts, with treasures of the deceased.
I suggest you speak with your counsel.
Hopefully, your counsel is better equipped to assist you.
In some cases the police might be required, again, ask your counsel.
The will was never filed and the law firm that made it in 1989 is out of business and has no copies of it.

Wait a minute. If the firm is out of business, who is it that "has no copies of" the will?

For that matter, how do you know a will was made in 1989?

We went as saw a lawyer she chose but after meeting she refused to sign on saying we had 50/50 say in the sale of the house.

You used the pronoun "she" twice in this sentence, but I'm not clear if you're referring to the same person. I'm guessing the first reference is to your sister, but I'm not sure about the second. Also, what does "she refused to sign on" mean?

I got my own lawyer and she signed right away.

Signed what?

I got a loan to buy the house but we need two court orders.

Who are "we"? Who told you that you need two orders? Why two? Why not a single order that says two things? What are the two orders you need supposed to say?

And order saying we can legally sell it and one for a stipulation for the order built into the purchase agreement between us.


I have signed my end of the inventory minus seeing the list.

Again, huh?

Now I have a court order saying the inventory has not been filed.

An order? Whom did the court appoint to act as executor/administrator of your mother's estate?

I stopped at this point because of lot of what you wrote doesn't make sense. You also didn't ask a question, and you are represented by an attorney, so your questions should be directed to your attorney and not to anonymous strangers on the internet.

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