Domestic Violence & Civil Orders Motion For Transfer

The way I understand it is OP wants the two to make sense.
If Marin incorrectly indicates a conviction when it was actually transferred and ultimately dismissed in Kern then that conviction is a big problem. A background check could make it appear as two different incidents, one in each county.
The information from Kern should be useful in correcting any discrepancy in Marin- but as noted they aren't talking to each other so OP needs to do the legwork.
The way I understand it is OP wants the two to make sense.
If Marin incorrectly indicates a conviction when it was actually transferred and ultimately dismissed in Kern then that conviction is a big problem. A background check could make it appear as two different incidents.
The information from Kern should be useful in correcting any discrepancy in Marin- but as noted they aren't talking to each other so OP needs to do the legwork.

Precisely Moose, this is exactly where it seems to be even though Marin County Criminal Clerk assured me yesterday that there was to be no disposition and that they gave confirmation that the case indicates that it was transferred to Kern. So hopefully on the next background attempt this all clears up. Regardless as you said "the information from Kern should be useful". Thank you Moose. Your awesome for helping
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