Motion to Relocate Minor

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I received a Motion to Relocate Minor from my ex-husbands lawyer. My ex has had custodial custody of minor child since Jan. 00. The child is 11 yrs. old. Both Father and I live in Colorado but are about 300 miles apart. The visitation at this time is as follows: I have the child once weekend a month, one week at Christmas time, every other spring break (1 week) and 5 weeks during the summer. All visitation takes place in a location closer to father. I drive 3.5 hours to get to location for visitation and father drive 1 hr. We each pay our own travel expenses.
The father wants to move to WA state with minor child. At this time I do not have the money to hire an attorney. I spoke to the minor child and he/she wants to move. The move will take minor child 1300 miles away. I want to make sure that the visitation schedule I am asking for when they move is feasible.

1 week every other year for fall break (school break)
2 weeks every other year for Christmas (school break)
1 week every other year for spring break (school break)
8 weeks every summer (school break)
I am also wanting to have Skpye video calling with child 2 times a week
I also want father to pay for all travel (airfare) seems how he is wanting to move for a better paying job (making $30,000 more a year)
I will also be paying child support

Is this to much to ask since I will not be seeing my child every month and he is wanting to move child? :(
As far as the expenses, it would be reasonable to ask that the one filing the motion to relocate foot the bill.

The visitation schedule is a bit trickier to know what the judge will see reasonable. Request what you want and hope the judge agrees to most of it at least. It should help that you seem to not be fighting the move, just concerned of getting to spend a fair amount of time with your child. I wish you good luck.
I agree he moves, you ask him to pay 100% for travel or you want a reduction in child support to offset all travel costs. You actually should get the child 1 week of every school break. I would be asking for 1 week every fall break and spring break. That is if the child has 2 weeks off. I would be asking for 1 week every Christmas (decide which week block you want), every other Thankgiving, and half of summer break.

Dad is the one causing you to see the child less, you should be allowed to see the child several times a year.

Bring a school calandar to cour and start ironong out all breaks. If Dad is going to buy airline tickets, tell him the ticket must be purchased within 2 weeks of travel date.

Good luck
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