Motion to Sign Agreed Enforcement, NCP has not done a thing

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Had a Motion for Enforcement hearing before a district Judge (we had been in Title IV Court) at the end of January 2011.

NCP came forward with a "plan" to get a part-time job and put 100% of that (somehow) toward child support. NCP was also ordered to 1) pay my attorney fees for that day, 2) continually pay child support, 3) we were both to subscribe to the ourfamilywizard email service to correspond and post child's appointments, schedules, schedule changes, etc., and 4) we would report to Title IV Court every 30-90 days as community supervision.

We were to review and sign the Agreed Enforcement and file it with the Court. NCP has acknowledged that receiving the Order, but not had a chance to review it. That was 2 1/2 months ago. We now have a hearing at the end of April 2011 to sign the Enforcement and get it filed with the Court.

NCP has not done a single thing since Court. Has not gotten a part-time job, has not paid any of my attorney fees from that day, has not signed up for the email service which was his idea, and has not paid any current child support.

NCP has a track record of paying 2-3 months, then not paying 2-3 months. He's admitted to being able to pay in the past, but just decided not to making him $20k+ in arrears. NCP also does not pay 50% of the child's medical bills which they are ordered to in the Child Support Order.

I am now curious as to how the hearing will go. We will be before the same District Judge for a second time regarding the same issue, in addition to the new things he was ordered to do. I heard once that District Judges don't like seeing the same people more than once in their Court.

I have an attorney, his withdrew the day before our hearing in January. What should I anticipate happening? Might the Judge do anything new even though this is just a hearing for us to sign the Enforcement Order and get it filed?

NCP does have a job, he states he is self employed, but basically he works for his dad who owns most of the company. He does contract home remodeling/carpentry work. I've tried getting his wages garnished, but its contract work so that makes it difficult and his dad denied that he worked for him when I tried getting garnishment a couple years ago, he's worked for him for 8 years. And when he DOES had projects going on sometimes he still only works 35 hours a week.
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Bums like this never pay.
Courts can't make them pay.
He can be incarcerated for a few days.
Heck, he has no job, so why would that bother his kind?
But, you did pick this bum to breed you.
So, it's partially your fault.

You can keep trying to get him to pay.
That hasn't worked, has it?
Or, you can forget it and be mom and dad to your kid(s).

He's a bum.
He's a con-man.
He doesn't care a damn about you, society, rules, laws, or those precious young lives.

Isn't it time to cut your losses?

I'm an associate district court judge.
I sit in relief in our county.
I've sat on some of these cases.
I don't like them.

Locking a bum up like him is useless.
To a jobless bum, what do they care?
They're not like normal, decent folk.

I feel for you.

You're on a quest in pursuit of nothing.
I mean, even when you win, you lose.
If you don't stop, you'll just harvest more disappointment, anger, remorse, and frustration.
You still won't get a dime from this deadbeat.
His kind just don't care.
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