Mr inacage

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New Member
My neighbors have virtually turned me into a prisoner in my own home. They stand outside my windows and peer in at me while I'm trying to work. I have had to cover almost every window in my home to stop the harassment. They have slandered my good name in the neighborhood turning everyone against me. I no longer feel safe going outside. Local police have completely botched a drug operation because of these idiots. I also starting to wonder if the police aren't corrupt as well. I informed on a Major druggie living next door and even telling police where to put cameras. I found out the druggies were going to lop down trees where I suggested they put the cameras so I emailed the police to warn them. After several weeks the police still hadn't removed the camera. You guessed it. The druggies found the camera. I am starting to believe the police are involved with these drugs. My neighbors have spread a rumor around the neighborhood that I am some kind of sexual deviant. They have me sacked from every job I get. I now have no money and am in fact in debt for thousands. I can't even afford to put security cameras outside my house. My lawyers tell me there is nothing I can do because I have no images. The neighbors trespass on my property all the time. It got so bad at one stage they were wiping their fingerprints off the outside walls of my house. I can no longer go out to go shopping alone. I can no longer fulfill my jobsearch requirements for centerlink because these idiots have endangered or threatened my life. I never thought such corruption could exist in a free economy. I am absolutely disgusted with the people of this town I have lived in for nearly 40 years. I have been a major drug informant risking not only my life but my family's lives as well dozens of times over and this is how I am treated. I even single handedly caught a drink spiker that the local police were too inept to catch. I have no friends left now to help me. They warn contractors away whenever I need work done to make repairs on my house. They even have all night druken parties and at times have let dry ice bombs explode every time I go outside. I am at wits end and don't know what to do. Can I sue the local police for their ineptitude.
You can sue most anyone, except the king, sovereign, or the government.
Should you wish to sue the sovereign, the king, or the government; you must seek their approval.

You could move.
You could go to the press.
Or, you could just keep to yourself.
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