multiple reprimands at work, all seem bogus

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I am a nurse in a pediatric neurology unit. I have been written up 6 or 7 times and was recently suspended for 2 days without pay. I wanted to know if there is any recourse if I feel that I am being harrassed? I have worked for the same company for 10 years prior to transferring to this unit and was never written up even once! So you can see why I don't understand this. Basically, I was walking out of our unit when a patient of mine started having a seizure. I had already reported off to the night nurse and was walking out the door. I put my things down and decided to stay and help when the charge nurse stopped me and asked me to go with her to sign out the necessary medication to stop the seizure. My bosses standpoint is that I should have gone straight to the patient's room to check him first but I had told the oncoming night nurse to go instead. My boss insists that I had more info about the patient and therefore was more equipped to assess him. However, the patient had only arrived 45 minutes prior and I knew very little about him at the time. Please let me know what recourse I may have if any at all. Thanks
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