My Almost a Million Dollar Lawsuit!

army judge

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US Federal Law
I received notice from my daughter, who's also the Managing Partner of my law firm.

I filed a personal injury lawsuit, resulting from an automobile collision back in 2020.

She received notification yesterday at the firm, that we won the case.

I'm so grateful to the Lord Almighty and His Son, Jesus Christ, because we were awarded $750,000.

I can't stop looking at the balance in my checking account!!!

I'll never understand it, but for a dumb 18 year old trying to acclimate himself, and survive in the jungles of southeast Asia; Almighty God and my savior, Lord Jesus Christ have done wonderful things in my life. I'm thankful for salvation, and all that the Lord has allowed me.
Wow! That is really wonderful news!

I have always marveled at the miracles God does.

Had it not been for His Hand watching over me, as I prayed during my days in Nam, and all throughout my life; I'd have been nourishing daisies and blue bonnet.

Never give up hope, stand on His Word. He'll work miracles in your life, as well as the lives of others you love.

All I can do is keep the faith, because anything I was able to accomplish, is because He always has kept His word.
That is great if you actually collected it, I thought Texas has PI limits though. A lot different story if you are in a clear liability case and the driver that hit you is a state minimum driver. If you actually collected that much then it is great news, but from my experience very few result in big recoverable rewards unless you are lucky enough to be hit by a driver who carries large coverage or a trucking company.
You got paid the whole thing already?

That's great.

Yes, the whole thing.

I'm almost in shock, but I'm too gleeful to allow that.

After all, it took us four years to get our justice.

My daughter and wife, are overjoyed.

Daughter took the rest of the day off, to celebrate with us.

Yes, the other party was driving a corporate vehicle, making sales calls.
Yes, the whole thing.

I'm almost in shock, but I'm too gleeful to allow that.

After all, it took us four years to get our justice.

My daughter and wife, are overjoyed.

Daughter took the rest of the day off, to celebrate with us.

so are you gonna share who hit you? I would image in wasn't the average dipstick driving in Texas. For that type of recovery you are typically facing a large trucking company of some sort. Me I wasn't as fortunate and have a permanent injury and couldn't placate half of what your claimed recovery is. I however have seen such awards only to not have damages paid due to the fact there were no deeper pockets to recover from or anyone to actually pay the award. if you actually received that amount congratulations. If your daughter did it at a cut rate and not taking her 40 percent or 1/3 rd recovery then it worked out in your favor.
That is great if you actually collected it, I thought Texas has PI limits though.

The event occurred in New Mexico.

Is There a Cap on Pain and Suffering Settlements in New Mexico?

Like many areas of the law, the limits on pain and suffering settlements are set on a state-by-state basis in the United States. Consequently, the most important factor in how much you're eligible to receive in a settlement is which state the accident that caused the injury occurred in. Eleven states have set a cap on non-economic damages in lawsuits—but New Mexico is not among them. What's more common is for states to set a cap on non-economic damages in medical malpractice lawsuits. The rationale behind this move is that capping the damages awarded in these kinds of cases lowers the cost of medical malpractice insurance for doctors, which in turn lowers the cost of medical treatment for everyone—or at the very least, keeps it from rising as much.

New Mexico limits medical malpractice non-economic damages to $600,000. It also limits pain and suffering damages in cases against the government or government employees to $400,000. In all other scenarios, damages for pain and suffering in New Mexico are uncapped. The most important thing to remember is that who is sued determines whether there is a cap on damages in New Mexico.
If your daughter did it at a cut rate and not taking her 40 percent or 1/3 rd recovery then it worked out in your favor.

I assisted my daughter, and couple other attorneys with the litigation.

By the way, I'm the founding partner, along with a law school classmate. He died 15 years ago.

I'm giddy with glee.

This is reminiscent of the time my life was saved back in my early Nam years.
The event occurred in New Mexico.

Is There a Cap on Pain and Suffering Settlements in New Mexico?

Like many areas of the law, the limits on pain and suffering settlements are set on a state-by-state basis in the United States. Consequently, the most important factor in how much you're eligible to receive in a settlement is which state the accident that caused the injury occurred in. Eleven states have set a cap on non-economic damages in lawsuits—but New Mexico is not among them. What's more common is for states to set a cap on non-economic damages in medical malpractice lawsuits. The rationale behind this move is that capping the damages awarded in these kinds of cases lowers the cost of medical malpractice insurance for doctors, which in turn lowers the cost of medical treatment for everyone—or at the very least, keeps it from rising as much.

New Mexico limits medical malpractice non-economic damages to $600,000. It also limits pain and suffering damages in cases against the government or government employees to $400,000. In all other scenarios, damages for pain and suffering in New Mexico are uncapped. The most important thing to remember is that who is sued determines whether there is a cap on damages in New Mexico.

Imagine that a blue state, you did hit the lottery. That would not happen in many red states these days. Another reason people should continue to vote Republican. They have your best interests at heart.

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