New Member
I've had a bank account for savings since I was about 8 years old. I've had a job for about 5 months now and I had about $900 dollars in my savings account. I use First Community Federal Credit Union. Yesterday I went into my bank because I knew there was something wrong with my statement since it said I had only $550.00. Well it turns out that someone had been able to take out $230.00 from a bank in my area, and that's not the worst part, they were able to do it again the very next day at a different bank about 10 minutes away and took out $125.00. I'm not concerned about proving who it was, I know who did it because they confessed to doing it. But my question is what do I do next? I've called several police stations and I am trying to file a police report every officer I speak with tells me I need to call a different number, is there anyone I can report this to that will actually want to help me??