My boss is an M.D.

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I was told he was "difficult" prior to accepting this assignment. Everything went well for about 3 months. Then, there was the calling to my attention something that he didn't feel I did correctly in front of my co-workers. This is not to say that this didn't need to be called to my attention. However, I would have preferred it to have been done in a professional manner behind closed doors. Now, these episodes are beginning to escalate. I was told over the last 3 months of "working bliss" that this doctor was horrible, but had never been subjected to his tirades until now. Over the past 3 weeks, he has told me how inappropriate my actions were relating to matters involving patient's. These couseling sessions, if you will, have taken place in front of my co-workers both embarrassing and humiliating me. Today, again he chose to call to my attention something that was clearly a matter of his personal preference and not a matter of competence with many co-workers in attendance. This time, I did not feel embarrassed nor did I feel humiliated, but extreme rage over being subjected to this obvious verbal abuse. I have been told numerous times what a horrible person this M.D. could be by several sources both in the hospital and clinic. I understand it now. In the time I have been his nurse in the clinic there has been little to no verbal communication between us. Our relationship has consisted of me placing questions in his inbox and him responding in writing to his outbox. Wow, after 3 months he is now talking to me. However, it's always to call me on the carpet about something he doesn't like and always in front of co-workers. The gentleman is fully capable of being very kind as he frequently is with others in the workplace and particularly with pharmacutical representatives. I did inform our office manager today that enough is enough and that if this M.D. is dissatisfied with my performance I had the right know and be given an opportunity to correct it. My supervisor agreed and said that this is not the first time this type thing has happened with this doctor. I'm at a loss, but very sure that I have no intentions of leaving my current position. It should also be noted that I have worked for this company for over 5 years and have successfully worked for numerous physicians within it's organizaion. I left the company for a short 3 months (looking for greener grass), but returned when I realized that this company was what I wanted. Fortunely for me that wanted me back as well. What can I do?
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Nothing, if you mean legally.

While I completely agree with you that corrections *should* take place behind closed doors, there is no law compelling him to do it that way. If he chooses to behave unprofessionally and make his corrections public, that is his choice and his right. If you are determined to stay with this employer, then your only option is to accept that he is going to behave this way and that the powers that be do not intend to require him to change.
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