My brother died on his porch after he was dragged onto it; but.....

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the police told us he was dragged onto the porch (his shirt was slid up around his neck & his arms were up above his head in the position he was left at) but the police are saying it was accident & nothing was ever done about it. We now know he was with 2 other guys drinking & that they said they took him home. This was during the end of Nov. & in the mountains which really gets cold after the sun goes down.
I think he died in their car & they took him home & dragged him onto the porch & just left him there.
In my opinion; I believe they should be held accountable for something. This happened in a rural area & the 2 guys live in a small town & their family name carries alot of "weight" in the county.
It also; happened 3 1/2 years ago; but; me & my family are having a hard time with it --- we need answers; then maybe we can find peace of mind.
Is there a time limit on something like this & is there anything we can do? I appreciate your help. Thank You.
O wow, I am very sorry to hear about this.

There might be things you can do, but it will cost an effort. First of all, it seems the police does not think there is any violation of a criminal law involved. That might very well be so. It would of course be paramount to know the exact cause of death. It sounds like no autopsy has been performed? But if, then you should be able to get coroner's reports etc.

There might be some civil legal action you could bring against the two buddies who were with him that night. They might have had a duty to help, get help or do other things, they might even have committed intentional torts etc. You might be able to bring a "wrongful death" lawsuit.

BUT, since these are civil actions, the police won't help you in this. You would have to conduct an investigation by yourself. You probably would need to hire an investigator, and later a lawyer to really pursue this and be able to evaluate the facts if you have any cause for legal action.

By no means it is clear that there will be a cause for action, though. So the investment into the investigation might not be rewarded with that kind of a result.

Without investing in a full fledged investigation I don't think you have any chance to do something about this.
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