my consent was circumvented


New Member

My Dad and i co-own a condo and a few days ago he was asking me to sign a document granting him full power to negotiate a Lease Contract.

I refused.

Then days later i found out he had already rented out our place without my consent. What he did was to ask for a picture of my passport from my sister in secret and somehow, that picture was enough to stand for my "consent".

Is this fraud? Or some other offense?

What can i do to prevent this in the future?

And i asked him repeatedly for the name and contact info of our broker and the renter but he either ignores me or changes the subject.
No, no and nothing.

As joint owners, each of you and your father has the right to lease the premises. Of course, without your consent, he can trump your rights as an owner by leasing the premises. In other words, you still have the legal right to come and go and occupy the premises if you so desire. Also, he has the legal obligation to give you one have of any profits earned from renting the premises.

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