Alcohol & Drugs: DUI, DWI my daughter

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Don't even get yourself all worked up about her having access to AA. For one thing? She cannot drink in there, so there's no "relapse" danger anyway. Secondly? AA? Well, I've read very recently that in addition to having much in common with cults, it's not even an effective means of treating addictions. So just let that go

As for the severity of the sentence? I'm really sorry that this has happened, for all of you. It's horrible, yes. I've been convicted of DUI, and even when there is no property damage, let alone another person hurt, they are out to make the biggest impact they can on the person who did it, both as a deterrent for that person, and everyone they know. For example, would you consider getting behind the wheel yourself after having even a little bit of alcohol? Probably not--that's the deterrent factor for you, right there.

Yes, it's a severe sentence, and even she's out in "just" eighteen months, that's going to be a very long eighteen months.

I think at this point, all you can do is try to accept it and be as supportive as you can to her. I'm just really sorry for all of you.
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