Sex Crimes, Sex Offenders My dead sister has charges using my name and S.S.

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I just recently just found out in Sept. of 2000 that there are 4-6 charges on my police record that apparently were charges from an older sister who was in trouble in Hollywood,California in 1995 & 1996. The charges were prostitution and some kind of drug charges.

She was killed in a car accident in 1996 sometime after these charges. How do or can I go about getting this removed from my record? It would devastate me to know this is on my record and someday my daughter could see this and wonder about her mommie.

I can prove with past employment and tax records that I was living in Shreveport,La and Waskom, Texas with my husband and daughter during the time those charges were put on my record. But how do I go about this? This is really bothering me alot.

Sincerly, Lori
How did you obtain your police record? If you obtained it from a service it is possible that the service has incorrect information. If it is from the police directly, I'm assuming you told them this. What did they say, if anything?
Actually I was arrested for a DUI leaving a night club, the arresting officer left a folder on a table and walked away so I opened it and read that during 1995 and 1996 that I was arrested for prostitution and the drug charges some of the names were like her first name and my last name or my first name and her last and also my first and last and our maiden names.... All with my social security number. When I saw it I told the arresting officer that was not me that I have never been arrested for those things and he was upset because I was reading the file and that there was nothing he could do that it was on my record and pretty much that was all that was said about that. I have never been arrested for anything prior to the DUI and with the Grace of God I never will be arrested for anything else ever again...
Did you ever try to discuss this at a police station other than with this officer? I don't know about any use of the court system to make a correction like this but I have found that certified return receipt letters are usually taken most seriously if you can't get anywhere the usual way. I would also wonder if you would need such a remedy if you haven't tried to make your request to correct this misinformation.
Some ideas for you to consider:

  1. Request your social security number to be changed by citing your number has been used fraudulently and that your employment has been jeopardized. There is a little-known section in the social security regulations that allow you to change your number to a new one. Your benefits will transfer (or be combined when you retire). This procedure requires an office visit and the approval of the branch manager. The new card and number will then be mailed to you;
  2. If you wish, you may also file a request with social security for a name change (without a court order) and have your number issued under another name. California workers in the film industry have done this for decades.
  3. Most states, such as California, allow you to request a name change on your driver's license (without a court order) using the same procedure as you would for a social security number;
  4. After two years using your new name, you can apply for a US Passport under the new name, which requires a third party to certify they have known you under that name for two years (again, without a court order changing your name);
  5. Contact the FBI national headquarters. Although they have a office in Washington DC, they have moved their fingerprint office to nearby Virginia. For a nominal fee of about $20, you can send them a fingerprint card (use the blue FBI fingerprint card most police stations have) and request that your fingerprints be "classified". Also request that they mail you the results of their records search for anything that police agencies have forwarded to them. If you receive an official letter from the FBI stating "No Records Found", or "DUI" was the only item on the letter, then KEEP that letter on your person always. This will insure that if another arrest happens, you can present this letter to the officer that, based on your actual fingerprints and not your sisters, you only have the DUI and nothing else;
  6. If the FBI states that your sisters record is merged with your record, then the FBI needs to compare the fingerprints of the records they received from the agency that sent them your sister's data under your name. Once they have done the comparison, then the FBI will correct your record and reissue you an official letter stating "DUI" and nothing else. (By the way, I doubt the DUI will show up, unless the actual arrest was sent to the FBI);
  7. Records are available to independent companies which sell the information to their clients. The original records begin on the city/county level. They can then be transferred to the state capital to be made available to anyone seeking a state record. Both the city/county level and the state office can send the same record information to the FBI. Therefore, there are potentially three (3) different government levels where the same record can be found or corrected. However, there are hundreds of private independent companies who download or transcribe records to their own computers, which is then made available to the public. If a record is corrected by the government, it is not corrected by the independent private companies. That is why it may be in your best interest to register for a new name, new social security number, driver's license, etc.
  8. If you choose to change your name and identity, then do not use any of your exisiting bank or credit cards under the new name. You must establish new credit and new banking accounts without any ties to the old credit information, which is probably already tied to the arrest records of your sister. Establishing new credit is extremely easy these days. [/list=1]

  1. Good luck


    (Personal opinions are offered here. Check with the actual agencies cited for current policies)
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