When you are fired the clock starts ticking for an employer to give you your pay. You were not fired, you quit voluntarily without notice, so the employer did not have to pay you until the regular pay period ended. You had brought up 72 hours as an issue, and it was not an issue.
Yes, they did give you your job back. They are obligated to offer you the same or a comparable job with the same pay and benefits. They did exactly that. The schedule change is well within the employers rights. You were not fired or put out of work by reasons beyond your control.
"Upon granting an employee a CFRA leave, the employer must guarantee reinstatement to the same or comparable position and provide the guarantee in writing upon the request of the employee. Employment in a comparable position means employment in a position that is virtually identical to the employee's original position in terms of pay, benefits, and working conditions, including privileges, perquisites, and status. It must involve the same or substantially similar duties and responsibilities, skill, effort, and authority, must be performed at the same or geographically proximate work site, and ordinarily means the same shift or same or equivalent work schedule."
You were offered the same job with the same conditions and a reasonably equivalent work schedule. You won't get a violation over the simple change of work hours, especially if that is the only change and the employer has a legitimate reason for it, which they apparently did.
Did you get something in writing that guaranteed your return to the same shift upon your return. That would be the only way you could make an argument.
I'm not trying to be mean- I am actually trying to help you out. There is a good chance that you will initially get unemployment benefits, but one the paperwork catches up they will cut you off and demand repayment, and that gets ugly.
If you didn't burn your bridges, you can probably still get the job back if it hasn't been filled. You are in a jam and these are not good times to be searching for a job.
Good luck.
Yes, they did give you your job back. They are obligated to offer you the same or a comparable job with the same pay and benefits. They did exactly that. The schedule change is well within the employers rights. You were not fired or put out of work by reasons beyond your control.
"Upon granting an employee a CFRA leave, the employer must guarantee reinstatement to the same or comparable position and provide the guarantee in writing upon the request of the employee. Employment in a comparable position means employment in a position that is virtually identical to the employee's original position in terms of pay, benefits, and working conditions, including privileges, perquisites, and status. It must involve the same or substantially similar duties and responsibilities, skill, effort, and authority, must be performed at the same or geographically proximate work site, and ordinarily means the same shift or same or equivalent work schedule."
You were offered the same job with the same conditions and a reasonably equivalent work schedule. You won't get a violation over the simple change of work hours, especially if that is the only change and the employer has a legitimate reason for it, which they apparently did.
Did you get something in writing that guaranteed your return to the same shift upon your return. That would be the only way you could make an argument.
I'm not trying to be mean- I am actually trying to help you out. There is a good chance that you will initially get unemployment benefits, but one the paperwork catches up they will cut you off and demand repayment, and that gets ugly.
If you didn't burn your bridges, you can probably still get the job back if it hasn't been filled. You are in a jam and these are not good times to be searching for a job.
Good luck.