Other Criminal Charges & Offenses My fiance is committing loan fraud and I'm about to turn him in...

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What would you do? I know I need to be strong. But it's hard. Need courage.

If you want to go to prison, have your assets confiscated, your life ruined, your reputation destroyed, DO NOTHING.

If you want to be a WITNESS, and not a defendant, eat cheese, drop dimes, name names, snitch him out, dish the dirt, GET AWAY FROM THE GRIFTER ASAP, and remain among the land of the free, not the caged!!!!

Grifters have no problem blaming others, you can bet all that you own, he'll rat you out

In fact, he might already be telling the district attorney that you were the brains behind this little caper!!!
Well there is part of me that keeps thinking that there is a very slim chance that this would ever come out, if I did nothing.

I know our relationship is not perfect, but for it was..aside from this issue...you would come forward?

I will never see or hear from him again. It will be hard..personally. But yes, I don't want to go to prison on a stupid chance and protect him.

Bottom line this was hkm. The problem is I trusted him and he maintains nothing was wrong.
He then said that I need to realize If someone comes after him with a knife he will respond with a machete.

This man is dangerous and is controlling you. You need to get away. You might also consider counseling to help you to see things for what they are.

He said he did nothing wrong.

Again, US prisons are full of people who say the same thing.

What would you do? I know I need to be strong. But it's hard. Need courage.

You have already heard our opinions of what you should do. Nothing has changed.
^ What he said.

Otherwise, end the relationship. You clearly don't trust him. Personally, with as little as you have to go on (at least that you have shared) I wouldn't report him. Not your circus. Not your monkeys. Keep your own finances completely separate, don't agree to do any more work for his company, and if you are questioned about your involvement with him one day, be truthful.
The lawyer said that reporting him and coming forward is pretty important to show I was not an accomplice to his scheme.

His loan money went to my business and I immediately transferred it to his personal account.

It doesn't look good.
If you were the one transferring funds, then it doesn't look good for you. Assuming whatever happened was improper.

If you performed work for his business and you were paid and you chose to use that money for joint expenses or transfer it to a different account, that is entirely legal. There are no laws that say you can't hire your friend or SO to do work for your business. You are the one who got paid. What you chose to do with money you legitimately earned is your own business.

That said, I presume you have more to the story and have shared that with your attorney. In which case, by all means, listen to the person who you are paying to guide you.
I was paid and was told by my fiancé to immediately give him a "refund".

I didn't do any work for him. He wouldn't allow me to. Fortunately I recorded the call with him screaming at me to return it and saying I was "insane" to think I would ever get paid to do work for him.
I was paid and was told by my fiancé to immediately give him a "refund".

I didn't do any work for him. He wouldn't allow me to. Fortunately I recorded the call with him screaming at me to return it and saying I was "insane" to think I would ever get paid to do work for him.

Yeah, I want a refund, too.

I'll settle for about $500,000 in cash left in a black garbage bag behind the Greyhound Bus Depot behind the "green" WMI dumpster at 2:01AM Tuesday, 29 August.
Your other post sounded like you did marking work for him as you have a marketing company. If you created a fake invoice, submitted it, collected the money, and funneled it to him, you are in a heap of trouble and need to stop posting your misdeeds online and listen to your attorney. "He asked me to", is not going to get you very far as far as a defense. I don't know what would possess you to go along with such a request or even consider marrying someone who would ask.
I do have a marketing company. He did say he would pay me to do work. But as soon as the bank wired me the money...he demanded I return it to him.

I contacted the banker via email and he said that if he wants a refund I can give him the money.

But he clearly had no idea my fiancé was related to me and what he was demanding of me.

But at least I have that email with the banker who I notified.
I do have a marketing company. He did say he would pay me to do work. But as soon as the bank wired me the money...he demanded I return it to him.

I contacted the banker via email and he said that if he wants a refund I can give him the money.

But he clearly had no idea my fiancé was related to me and what he was demanding of me.

But at least I have that email with the banker who I notified.

In the interest of disclosure, prosecutors and police investigators scour the internet to see what suspects have been doing.

Furthermore, when your electronic devices are seized, that also gives the authorities a treasure trove of misdeeds, and prior bad acts.

If you're trolling us, no worries, we enjoy a laugh as much as the next person.

If you're for real for real, you're helping the authorities convict BOTH of you.

You'd be surprised what an IP reveals to law enforcement.

I'm closing the thread to help YOU protect yourself.

You have the RIGHT to remain silent.

You have the RIGHT not to incriminate yourself.

I'm going to help you enforce those rights, and a myriad of others!!!
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