My friend got arrested for petty theft and got a citation for misdemeanor in CA

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Question Details: My friend stole about $400 worth of clothing and got arrested in CA. She already went to court last week but the DA told her to talk to a public defender before deciding what to plead. The PD that she talked to that day didn't really give her any useful info so I'm just wondering if she needs her own attorney. We've already talked to a private attorney and of course he sounds very confident about getting a good result with this case but the attorney fees is about $2000! Can someone tell me if it is necessary to have a private attorney? Would it make any difference in her case? It's her first offense but she is not a minor. Is there anything that she could do to make the matter better?

Thank you!
If your friend has money for Private Attorney than she does not quaify for Public Defender. No matter whether its public or private she needs an Attorney as $400.00 makes crime a felony
If your friend has money for Private Attorney than she does not quaify for Public Defender. No matter whether its public or private she needs an Attorney as $400.00 makes crime a felony

My (*cough*) friend agrees with jacksgal.:angel
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