my girlfriend and I both signed the loan to build a house. We are now broken up.

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My girlfriend and I decided to build a home. We both signed the loan. However, we have broken up and the house is still being built.

Basically my question is who gets the house? or do we just need to put it up for sale once it's built?
If you can't agree, you'll have to take it to court.

Never enter into real estate transactions if you aren't married. Even then, it is trouble.

By the way, the one that doesn't get the house, will also be on the note!!!

That will be another problem for one of you.
What if the other one doesn't pay?
My girlfriend and I decided to build a home. We both signed the loan. However, we have broken up and the house is still being built.

Basically my question is who gets the house? or do we just need to put it up for sale once it's built?

Who is on the property deed?
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