my husband has been paying childsupport for 12 years on a child that isnt his


New Member
My husband was married to a woman at the time during their marriage she got pregnant by another man and had a inter racial child. She also gave the child its biological fathers last name. My husband and her split shortly after all this. She had court papers for child support for his 3 kids with her and the 1 she had with somebody else sent to a different address than his. He was never aware of court and missed it. Because they were married at the time he was ordered to pay on all 4 kids. He didnt know what to do but to continue paying it. After we got together we contacted the clay county mo. Child support. They said its been over 7 years so he is just stuck paying it until she is 18. Please help us there has to be someway to get it dropped/terminated.
My husband was married to a woman at the time during their marriage she got pregnant by another man and had a inter racial child. She also gave the child its biological fathers last name. My husband and her split shortly after all this. She had court papers for child support for his 3 kids with her and the 1 she had with somebody else sent to a different address than his. He was never aware of court and missed it. Because they were married at the time he was ordered to pay on all 4 kids. He didnt know what to do but to continue paying it. After we got together we contacted the clay county mo. Child support. They said its been over 7 years so he is just stuck paying it until she is 18. Please help us there has to be someway to get it dropped/terminated.

A married man is the putative father of any child born to his spouse during the marriage.

Apparently, after seven years of inactivity in MO, the matter is statutorily closed meaning there's NOTHING dad can do to overturn his putative parentage.

You can suggest to your hubby to discuss the matter with a couple of lawyers in your county. The initial visit is normally given at no charge, but at least he can find out if what he was told by the county is TRUE.

If you snooze, you often lose.

The early bird gets the worm.
It seems inexplicable that he "wouldn't know" she was seeking support for this 4th child. Legally, it was his child. Biology has little to do with it. Many fathers raise children with whom they do not share DNA for a variety of reasons. I find it hard to believe that upon finding out that he was to pay support for this child, he would have just shrugged and figured there was nothing he could do.

Further, if this was a spouse, child custody and support would have been part and parcel with the divorce, not something filed separately in some random court.

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