My little cousin


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My mother is trying ro adopt her niece who was abandoned, I picked her up saved and saved her from the streets. Now they say the adoption is unlikely, because my involvement and age. How can they do this?
My mother is trying ro adopt her niece who was abandoned, I picked her up saved and saved her from the streets. Now they say the adoption is unlikely, because my involvement and age. How can they do this?

People aren't stray animals.
You can't just round up people in peril, like you might do cats or dogs.
I'm sure there's much more to this story, mate.
But, I don't want you further incriminating yourself.
This might be the proper time to invoke all of your constitutional protections, ask for a lawyer, and simply choose to remain silent.
Shes 14 her moms in Texas and doesn't care, her dad has always been a deadbeat. She was under the care of her Grandmother who beat her, and kicked her out in the middle of the night.
They are dfcs, my involvement is picking her up. I have a feeling that her mom is gonna play the statutory rape card, because she has threatened to before.
Um, either you do not know what statutory rape means, or whomever is guilty deserves all they get and more. This is not a DIY situation. This is a get thee and the child to CPS stat. You have an abused child who needs a whole lot of support, guidance, and counseling. Family placements are possible as an alternative to a foster home, but there are a lot of factors which go into a decision like that. It isn't clear who even has legal responsibility for this child. Just living with the grandmother tells us nothing. You/your mother are light years away from adoption.
I didn't abused anyone I was looking out for me little cousin when she had nowhere to go and I've already been questioned by the police and so has she the court representative herself said she understand that my heart was in the right place i was looking out for my family Jesus you people hear 14 and go insane maybe this isn't the best legal advice
I have a feeling that her mom is gonna play the statutory rape card

If no one has had sexual relations with this child, there is no card to play. Picking her up and taking her to your home isn't even in the same ballpark.

This is the first you have mentioned court. If courts are already involved the only one you should be talking to about this is your attorney.
I didn't abused anyone I was looking out for me little cousin when she had nowhere to go and I've already been questioned by the police and so has she the court representative herself said she understand that my heart was in the right place i was looking out for my family Jesus you people hear 14 and go insane maybe this isn't the best legal advice

As a lawyer, who coincidentally is licensed in Texas and lives in Texas, I can't tell you how many times I've heard a story similar to yours.

In some cases the person telling me the story had done nothing.
In other cases the person telling me the story described things thinking they did nothing, according to Texas law they had done many things.

In either scenario, a person is innocent by operation of our constitution until proven guilty in a court of law.

Anytime law enforcement questions you, or quasi-law enforcement questions you, you should immediately do the following:
Remain calm
Be polite
Don't try to explain, alibi, or offer excuses.
Do say the following: "Sorry, I invoke my right to remain silent, and want to speak with a lawyer. I have nothing more to say."
Then, no matter what, keep invoking.
One exception: it's okay to give your name, date of birth, address, etc...

Look at this video to help you understand why it's problematic to talk to the police:

10 Reasons Not to Talk to the Police
Thanks man and i did look up all the laws around this and i believe rhe best idea would have been to pull up to make sure she is safe and call the police about the abandonment I can see why it looks bad but I had only the best intentions but I had only the best intentions

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