Unlawful Eviction my locks was removed an stuff sat out


New Member
hi i have a verbel agreement with my ex brother in law that myself an my boyfriend can occuppy the master bedroom an bathroom with the privvalges of shareing the others room of the mobile home with my ex brother in laws sister. we all three were told that we were to pay for the ulities an fix any repairs to the mobile home. my ex brother in law was staying with his mother due to she was ill.She past away a year ago.in her wil it states that the property that i obtain a room is left to my ex brother inlaw due to it was inheritated from his fathers death.there were the problem is my boy friend an the sister of owener couldnt get alone .so i moved my boyfriend stuff out an he moved next door to another trailer mean while my ex brother inlaw asured me that moving out was not something i had to do he even assured me if i did want to stay somewere eles my belonging an the bedroom was to remain mine an to keep my keys to the locks i installed on both entrance doors.i spoke to him an seen him on a weekly bases.1/13/2017 i was askefd if i still had my stuff in the room by his sister i said yes i did she said she wanted to to get my stuff caise she was renting rooman wanted to to unlock door i repleid with your brother didnt tell me to movehe also said i can keep my stuff there as long as i wanted .i did get a couple personal boxes out the room an lock it back .that night i went to my grandparents for 4days to help them i return to find my stuff outside locks changed an some stuff gone.i was upset confront the the owners sister an the new tenants.left an went to find my ex brother in law to find out what was going on he was working an had no idea this had happen was not able to leave he told me to call cop an inform them of were he was an didnt allow this so i return to the mobile home an call cops waited for them an was told there was no way to prove who own the trailer. my locks was removed an replaced with new locks there was a nother couple staying in there.i lost a child serveral years ago a newborn an my memories from his birth until his death.were in my room an now i had no idea were they were the cop gave me a case number an inform me to obtain a warrant .if i wanted to help me what do i need to have as proff an what can i do..
Reality check. That arrangement was toxic in the first place and the results should have been easily forseeable.

Anyway, if you can determine who was at fault you are welcome to sue in small claims court but good luck getting anybody to pay you even if you win.

My guess is that you will have to resign yourself to your loss and get on with your life.

I suggest you find a place of your own and not rely on others for a place to live.

I suggest you not even live with your boyfriend because when that relationship breaks up, you'll end up with the same thing happening to your personal belongings.
Reality check. That arrangement was toxic in the first place and the results should have been easily forseeable.

Anyway, if you can determine who was at fault you are welcome to sue in small claims court but good luck getting anybody to pay you even if you win.

My guess is that you will have to resign yourself to your loss and get on with your life.

I suggest you find a place of your own and not rely on others for a place to live.

I suggest you not even live with your boyfriend because when that relationship breaks up, you'll end up with the same thing happening to your personal belongings.
Actually your wrong the guy that owns the trailer is helping me take legal action an he is in the process of the eviction of his sister. Wrong is wrong an i grew up were people words meant everything.an they stoll by them tganks for the reply

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