My Neighbor Harrassment

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In the summer of 2002 I quit babysitting Ms. Higgins' children. Ms. Higgins was irresponsible when it came to showing up on time to pick up her children, and would often bring the children earlier than what was permitted. Many times the children were soiled when they arrived, and smelled horrendous. Ms. Higgins was very rude and inconsiderate when it came to paying me on time for my service. Therefore, after just a few months I quit watching her children.

After I severed our working relationship Ms. Higgin's decided to send in complaints to our residential Board of Directors for various things that seemed to suddenly be bothersome to her. She began her hate crusade by complaining about a sign that we had on our property that had been there for over a year. Then she complained to us about some posts that her exboyfriend wanted my husband to help him put up. She then decided that she wanted them removed. Then suddenly there were complaints made about our property line, about our vending unit that was parked in our driveway, our shed, the easement that we share in order to enter our properties, our fence, and so on. Then there were complaints that Ms. Higgin's actually made to the Sheriff's Department claiming that there were cucumber shavings that belonged to me in her yard. At this point she decided to park her vehicle in the easement of the property for several months so that it made it difficult to maneuver our vehicles in and out of our driveway.

On or about, March of 2004, Ms. Higgin's complained about our family dogs. They were fenced most of the time but did get out on a couple of occations. She was sure to be there with her camera when the did get out. These dogs were far from being out of control. Never the less we gave our dogs away. We made the mistake of thinking that by giving our dogs away she would finally put an end to her harassment instead it has continued.

The end of March 2005, My husband and I and our son were out side burning winter debris in our fire pit. As we were out cleaning up our yard Ms. Higgins was out on her porch with her camera taking pictures of us.

On April 4th - 2005, Ms. Higgins was outside taking pictures of my children while they were playing in our yard. My son pointed out that she now has a surveillance camera pointed at our back yard. I went to look and see what he was talking about and noticed that the surveillance camera was pointed at our home directly in to our living room window.

I believe that Ms. Higgins is simply complaining as an act of revenge for my dissolution of our working relationship. My husband and I have not had anything to do with Ms. Higgin's for the last few years. We feel that she is actively seeking something to complain about in an attempt to make our lives miserable. Up until this point we have ignored her attempts to harrass us but feel now we have let it go with out action for too long. Do we have a right to stop her from photographing our children and ourselves while we are out side cleaning our yard, washing our cars, gardening and so on? We are not clear as to what are rights are regarding this issue. As far as I can tell it is just another means of harrassment.

Thank you so very much for your time and any help is appreciated.

Anne Marie
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