My neighbors are driving me crazy!

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I am having a very serious problem with my neighbors down stairs from me. They play their music at all different times of the day and the night and I have no help from the real estate. The real estate tells me to call the police, which I do. Sometimes they show up and other times they don't. In any case.....I have no help to resolve this situation. I am at my wits end and I really do feel a physical altercation coming on. I have tried to talk to my neighbors but they are young and just don't have any kind of respect for anyone......What am I supposed to do when the real estate can't even help me and moving is not an option....I was here first!!!!!!!:confused: :mad:
This can be tricky. Are you a renter or an owner?

Excessive noise surely can be a nuisance and if you are renters, then the landlord needs to do something about. You also should insist on filing noise complaints with the police and record how often, when, why etc. you did so.

Are there more tenants/neighbors who might take your side? The more you are the more you will have leverage over the landlord to force him to do something about it.

But don't ever let yourself be drawn into a physical fight. This would create lots of problems. I know it can be so frustratiing, but this is never worth it.

If you are a renter write to your landlord certified mail return receipt requested, explain the situation, list the times you called the police etc. and demand action. If you can, get other tenants to do the same. Make the letter corteous and business like but be firm.
:) thank you so much for the info.....everything You said was kinda everything I was doing but it made me feel better to hear someone say do not get pulled into a physical atercation.....I am on the brink of regaining my u know n e more steps I can take to move this process along faster please do share.
Originally posted by Nise'
I am having a very serious problem with my neighbors down stairs from me. They play their music at all different times of the day and the night and I have no help from the real estate. The real estate tells me to call the police, which I do. Sometimes they show up and other times they don't. In any case.....I have no help to resolve this situation. I am at my wits end and I really do feel a physical altercation coming on. I have tried to talk to my neighbors but they are young and just don't have any kind of respect for anyone......What am I supposed to do when the real estate can't even help me and moving is not an option....I was here first!!!!!!!:confused: :mad:
NYClex gave great advice and it may take some time. If it's significantly loud that would make your neighbors concerned then you should file a complain with the police.
Thanks again for the info....I am curious by what you mean it is going to take some time. I am not understanding how a Realtor can evict someone so soon for non-payment of rent but when it comes to something like this it seems to take longer than it does to have a baby. Help me out here what steps do I take. I have already started a chart for the music or surround sound theatre system. I started the note but I am having a difficult time with it do to the fact the my pasion overrides everything. It seems that I ramble and get more fustrated then I was to begin with. In the meantime I am losing sleep and suffering. I am trying to keep my wits about me but it is very hard. Is there anything else I can do to move this process along? Will the Real Estate be eventually sited for this, the owner? What will occur when the process finally gets under way?:mad:
I assume you are a renter, take a copy of your lease and look for the provisions regarding noise, nuisances and the like.
If you are an owner, take a copy of the CC&Rs and look for the same.

Then draft a nice letter either to your landlord or to the board and kind of copy the regulations in the lease or rules, something like this:

"According to section xyz of the lease agreement a tenant is not .... On May xy, 2004 the tenant in apartment xy violated these terms by .... thereby making any sleep impossible for me...
and so on

In order for me to enjoy the lease of my apartment / my property I therefore respectfully ask you to immediately enforce those restrictions against the tenant in apartment xy. Continued exposure to this kind of noise emanating from this apartment would be a severe nuisance and an infringement on my right as a tenant/owner.

Something like that, really nice and respectful. If he doesn't do anything then the next letter would have to be a little more forceful.
Thanks Ny but my lease doesn't have any clauses like that at all I already looked and I even asked if the had any rules or regulations for noise. She said no! My lease looks like they got it at KInkos:)
Well, even without such a close a tenant has a right to enjoy his lease free of nuisance. Now you have to word it differently and leave out all the stuff referring to the lease close.

You can write it in pretty plain English: that this noise is such a grave nuisance that you are not able to enjoy your lease (enjoy by the way is a legal term and doesn't refer to any fun :) ) and that you ask him as the Landlord to bla bla bla

What is important is that he notices that you really are fed up with it. As far as I see in many places in the country the rental market is a weak market so he might not want to lose good tenants. As I said before, try to get other tenants on your side.
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