Roomate My Roommate and I can not come to a resolution

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Desirae Prance

My roommate is violating our lease by allowing her boyfriend to stay here as he pleases, this has been an ongoing issue for months since our lease started. Originally, when we signed the lease she did not have a boyfriend and it did not pose an issue. Now, he is here every time I am home, she tries to use the fact that he doesn't not leave anything of his here he takes it everywhere with him but he has access to all living facilities and does not contribute to any bills nor did either him or her talk to me about him being here prior. He takes her vehicle multiple days a week which gives him access to the key to our house as the house key is kept on her key chain. I have pressed the issue of this to her multiple times, first time resulting in me being threatened by her to where I did not feel comfortable coming back to my own house. He is disrespectful to me, he leaves a mess behind that becomes very frustrating to clean up and when I try once again to speak to my room mate about it she does not feel as no boundaries have been crossed and does not feel it is an issue. I got my landlord involved the first time when I was threatened by her and he did not want to deal with the problem so I feel as though if I bring it up again he will just evict us both. I plan to talk to him in regards to wether my lease allows me to breach early and just remove myself from this situation by moving elsewhere as I have the means to do so but I do not want to lose this house as I love it here and just want some advice on what the laws are in GA to protect me or allow me to take action against having just her evicted. I have 7 more months left in this lease and I do not see a resolution to the problem is possible without legal action. Advice?
Unfortunately, you are not the landlord here and thus have no legal power to evict your roommate.
If your landlord chooses to stay out of this there you cannot make him evict her or force the boyfriend out.
If you simply leave you would be the one breaching the lease.
Can your roommate afford the rent on her own? If so, you might discuss the idea with both the roommate AND the landlord to ALLOW you to terminate your lease and move on. If your roommate cannot afford the rent on her own (and the issue of the boyfriend taking over your share of the lease is not an option) this may finally help everyone understand how serious this issue is to you.

Unfortunately, you are not the landlord here and thus have no legal power to evict your roommate.
If your landlord chooses to stay out of this there you cannot make him evict her or force the boyfriend out.
If you simply leave you would be the one breaching the lease.
Can your roommate afford the rent on her own? If so, you might discuss the idea with both the roommate AND the landlord to ALLOW you to terminate your lease and move on. If your roommate cannot afford the rent on her own (and the issue of the boyfriend taking over your share of the lease is not an option) this may finally help everyone understand how serious this issue is to you.

No she could not afford the rent on her own, I can however. And I do not think her and boyfriend together could afford the rent on their own. I've told her that by her allowing him to stay here she is violating the lease as has our landlord and she continues to allow him to stay here. I, myself, have done nothing to violate the lease and am mainly concerned that I will be the one who suffers if I speak up to my landlord again and not her. I would not just leave I would first discuss with my landlord my options per the situation that has occurred because I do not want an eviction. I don't feel comfortable in my own home as I have been threatened by them, I do not know if calling the cops or taking out a protective order will help in removing her/him from the property and that is why I have not made that step yet. I have saved documentation where I have been threatened by her and where she has admitted to him violating the lease and also having possession of our key..
Also, I know I have no power to evict her. My question was is it possible that my landlord could evict her for violation of the lease without me being evicted also?

This is advice for later, because nothing but your eviction or the lease termination will address HER friend who is living free off your dime.

If you can get removed from the lease by your landlord, that's the only way out of this before your lease expires.

You can ask your landlord if he would remove you from the lease if you pay a fee to break the lease early.

If he won't do that, ask him if you have his permission to plut a lock on your bedroom door.

If that won't be allowed, you'll have to grin and bear it until the lease expires.

In situations like yours, the other person might just up and leave one day, sticking you with the entire lease load. Expect the unexpected, because people do crazy things when sex enters the picture.

People seem to go nuts for the "RICHARD" or the "KITTY".

When this saga ends, NEVER go into ANY roommate fiasco again.

Remember, when the "RICHARD" or the "KITTY" enter the picture, people go nuts for one, or both!!!!
No she could not afford the rent on her own, I can however.

Well, you have found a way to get her out.

You offer her money to leave, and you negotiate a lease in your name only if the landlord agrees to her departure.

As you recite things, the LL doesn't care if "RICHARD" cohabits with her.

The LL seems to be interested in money, and who isn't?

So, its time for you to talk turkey, or endure the invasion by the "RICHARD" until the lease expires.
This is advice for later, because nothing but your eviction or the lease termination will address HER friend who is living free off your dime.

If you can get removed from the lease by your landlord, that's the only way out of this before your lease expires.

You can ask your landlord if he would remove you from the lease if you pay a fee to break the lease early.

If he won't do that, ask him if you have his permission to plut a lock on your bedroom door.

If that won't be allowed, you'll have to grin and bear it until the lease expires.

In situations like yours, the other person might just up and leave one day, sticking you with the entire lease load. Expect the unexpected, because people do crazy things when sex enters the picture.

People seem to go nuts for the "RICHARD" or the "KITTY".

When this saga ends, NEVER go into ANY roommate fiasco again.

Remember, when the "RICHARD" or the "KITTY" enter the picture, people go nuts for one, or both!!!!
Thank you for your advice & I agree 100 perecent, the things sex will do to some people I wish she would just up and leave, if only it would be that easy I would gladly pay the full bills and be happy with my living situation restored but, she moved down from IL and knows no one else here who would help her (as all of our family has turned on her because of how she has acted to everyone) and her bum boyfriend doesn't have anywhere for her to go.
Thank you for your advice & I agree 100 perecent, the things sex will do to some people I wish she would just up and leave, if only it would be that easy I would gladly pay the full bills and be happy with my living situation restored but, she moved down from IL and knows no one else here who would help her (as all of our family has turned on her because of how she has acted to everyone) and her bum boyfriend doesn't have anywhere for her to go.

Your life, your decision, but you are now experiencing why "no good deed goes unpunished".

In the future, remember the best word in the world, NO!

If anyone ever asks you to do a favor again, simply say, "NO".

Don't think about it, don't discuss it, just say "NO".
I wish she would just up and leave

There's another option. There is some risk to you financially but if you want to play dirty you secretly find yourself another place to live, then pack up and leave without saying a word to anybody. Then notify the LL in writing that you are done and send him your set of keys.

When they can't pay the rent, he will have to evict them (and you to make it official) but you'll already be living elsewhere.

You'll lose your deposit and the LL will probably come after you for money but you'll be rid of the low life.
If you remain in the house you can make it uncomfortable for them so they might be motivated to move elsewhere.
Put away anything of yours that they are mooching- food, dishes, furniture, tv, towels, toilet paper, light bulbs.... Whatever you can think of. Temporarily rent a storage unit to put your stuff in. Keep a small refrigerator in your room if you like.
If they think you are moving and their costs are going up because they can't mooch from you, then the odds of one or both of them leaving may increase. It is a temporary inconvenience to you.
Meanwhile continue working with the landlord. Just know that even if he acts on the eviction it could take months.
You don't want an eviction on your record though. Don't leave early unless the ladndlord gives you written permission to break the lease.

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