Roomate My roommate physically attacked me; what are my options?

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My roommate shoved me and threatened to punch me in the face during a disagreement. She has been using the common areas (kitchen & living room) to "store" personal items (20 + pairs of shoes on shoe racks, unused/non-working appliances, musical & camera equipment and various odds & ends in boxes and bags) and I have been asking her for over 6 months to remove them. I have tried setting deadlines with her that she initially agrees to and then later ignores, and whenever I try to discuss the matter she becomes argumentative. Three days ago, after she ignored another deadline that she herself had set, I moved the items into the doorway of her room (I didn't enter her room.) An argument ensued, and that is when she shoved and threatened me. I called the police and filled out a domestic incident report, but they told me shoving was not considered battery so no charges were filed. (They also didn't seem very concerned about it, to be honest...) She has finally removed most of the items from the common area, but needles to say, I don't feel comfortable living with her anymore and have told her I would like her to leave; however she refuses to and we are both on the lease. I haven't had a chance to talk to my landlord yet, and I realize there may not be anything he can do, but I do want to make him aware of the situation. What are my legal options, if any, in having her removed from the lease? Does the fact that she committed and threatened physical violence against me hold any weight? I have also lived here for longer than her, but I realize this might not matter. She also smokes weed in the apartment and frequently has guests over late at night that keep me awake, and I've asked her to stop but she hasn't. Is this something worth mentioning to my landlord as well?
I really don't want to move, but I don't want to continue living with her and risk another physical confrontation.
Thanks in advance for any advice!
" What are my legal options, if any, in having her removed from the lease? "


"Does the fact that she committed and threatened physical violence against me hold any weight?"

Since the police will do nothing, no.

"She also smokes weed in the apartment and frequently has guests over late at night that keep me awake, and I've asked her to stop but she hasn't."

Call the police the next time you see her smoking the weed.

If you no longer wish to live there, you may move out but if you are on the lease, you are still responsible for rent.
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