My sister is 18. School rules?

Big sister

New Member
I'm 22.My sister is on an IEP, she is 18, in her senior year of high school. we live in Tx I don't have custody and my mom threatens to kick her out all of the time ... Now that being said I'm staying with my mom as well and it sucks...My sister wants to leave with me and go to NE. Keep in mind my mom is mean and yells at her constantly and treats us like little kids. Is it possible for me to take her and get her transcripts somehow with out my moms consent?
Is it possible for me to take her and get her transcripts somehow with out my moms consent?

If your sister is 18 years old, she is an adult.
She has already arrived at the age of majority.
She can vote, should she wish to do so.

She can disenroll herself from the high school.
She no longer needs her parental units' permission to do anything.
She can request copies of her school records.
She can even complete high school by simply taking any approved GED course.
She can enroll into any community college without graduating from a high school, should she wish to do so.
She can move anywhere on the planet if she has the MONEY to get there, including Nebraska.
She can enroll herself in a high school in Nebraska, should she so desire.

If you and she want to get, you can start getting tonight.

Safe travels, and remember to make smart choices.

Each of you now have your life under your control.

From this point forward, other than obeying the laws of our land, you and she can do something or nothing.

You are now the boss of you.
I'm 22.My sister is on an IEP, she is 18, in her senior year of high school. we live in Tx I don't have custody and my mom threatens to kick her out all of the time ... Now that being said I'm staying with my mom as well and it sucks...My sister wants to leave with me and go to NE. Keep in mind my mom is mean and yells at her constantly and treats us like little kids. Is it possible for me to take her and get her transcripts somehow with out my moms consent?

You have a potential problem here. In most states the age of majority is age 18. But in two states it is age 19, and Nebraska is one of those states. Alabama is the other. Thus Nebraska will still see your sister as a minor and subject to your mother's control. So if you are going to leave Texas for some other state, don't make it Nebraska or Alabama.

You sister is an adult in Texas so she ought to be able to get her own school records without the need for consent from your mother.
I'm 22.My sister is on an IEP, she is 18, in her senior year of high school. we live in Tx I don't have custody and my mom threatens to kick her out all of the time ... Now that being said I'm staying with my mom as well and it sucks...My sister wants to leave with me and go to NE. Keep in mind my mom is mean and yells at her constantly and treats us like little kids. Is it possible for me to take her and get her transcripts somehow with out my moms consent?

You are both adults, do what you want.
Be aware that some bridges, after being burned, cannot be rebuilt.
I'm 22.My sister is on an IEP, she is 18, in her senior year of high school. we live in Tx I don't have custody and my mom threatens to kick her out all of the time ... Now that being said I'm staying with my mom as well and it sucks...My sister wants to leave with me and go to NE. Keep in mind my mom is mean and yells at her constantly and treats us like little kids. Is it possible for me to take her and get her transcripts somehow with out my moms consent?
What is the IEP for? What type of LD does she have?
Is it possible for me to take her and get her transcripts somehow with out my moms consent?

We have no way of knowing if these things are possible, but you cannot legally "take" another person anywhere unless you are that person's parent or legal guardian. That said, your sister is a legal adult, so she is free to go where she pleases without regard to what your mother or father says. As an adult, your sister should be able to obtain her own transcripts, but she should speak to someone in the school's office about that.
We have no way of knowing if these things are possible, but you cannot legally "take" another person anywhere unless you are that person's parent or legal guardian.
I "take" my wife out all the time to different places. I also "take" my (minor) grandchild to various places at various times. Both are perfectly legal.

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