Burglary, Arson, Home Invasion My son - failure to appear - two charges

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My son has two charges against him - one misdeameanor for minor in possession and one for burglary. These charges are from last year. To make a very long story short (or at least sort of short) - here is our dilemma:

My son (now 20) had gotten on drugs and was involved with the wrong kind of people. In September, 2004 we made the decision to send him to Alaska to stay with his paternal grandmother and his Aunt (whom he really didn't know) - we were desperate to get him away from the people he was running with and to clean him up. At the time he left he had gotten into trouble and had a court appearance for attempted burglary. He told us he did not steal anything and that he was with a guy that he did not even know. (they were in my son's vehicle is how my son is involved) He went to court three different times and each time they rescheduled. I was pretty sure they did not have any evidence on him and they could not locate the guy he was with.

Any way, he left town. He has had a hard time in Alaska. We had no idea
his Aunt's husband was an alcoholic and got drunk a couple of times a week.
But the good news is that he is trying desperately to straighten his life out.
He has a job in Alaska and is living with his grandmother. He wants desperately to come back home.

I called to find out if they were still trying to charge him with burglary. I found out that he has two warrants for his arrest for failure to appear. One is for a minor in possession – which we did not know about and also one for the burglary. I do not know what to do or who to turn to for help.

He has been through so much and I sincerely believe he has seen the error of his ways.
In my heart, I believe he needs to turn himself in - but I'm afraid for him - afraid he'll have to spend quite some time in jail. He's really doing good now - just thousands of miles away from us.

Do you have any suggestions as to what we can do for him? I have talked to the District Attorney's office and the Public Defender's office and all they said was to tell him
to turn himself in. I did tell him to call his Public Defender and see what he has to say.

Please let me know if you have any suggestions that would help him. We
want to make the right decisions that will help my son.

Thank you.
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