My Story.i'm Not Surre Where to Post This but I'll Start Here


New Member
I am not sure where to post this, I am still trying to figure out exactly what type of Cases I have here, I am thinking it will end up being criminal and civil, but I could use some help figuring out the terms. Thank you. Here is my story.

I have a complicated situation. I was in a relationship with an abusive man for 10 years.

I never reported him for physically abusing me, psychologically abusing me, and eventually trying to kill me.

He robbed the neighbor and then left town.

A year later, I began receiving threatening texts from various phone numbers. He was demanding a chess set that I own, that he left in the custody of my best friend for 8+ years and she decided to gift me.

Upon not giving him the chess set, which he called her and asked for and then texted me demanding, my cat was abducted, with an incriminating text sent, a key and our wedding ring left behind for evidence.

After 1 day the cat was returned down the street, much further than his usual range. Another neighbor reports seeing a silver SUV other than my best friend stalking around my driveway over the last couple of months.

Secondly, many privacy invasions have occurred online in the last few months, several online accounts being hacked and some personal data deleted.

I blew it off until 2 weeks ago, when my facebook account was hacked, and naked pictures and sexual conversations between me and a guy I dated were sent to several people and posted publicly.

Upon receiving a phone call from the guy who I had the sexual relationship with's current girlfriend, I asked to see copies of what was sent to whom about me, because I could see nothing on my end of my computer or facebook accounts.

She gave me "part" of the evidence, and then proceeded to block me on facebook and change her number, as did her boyfriend, my EX.

He wants to claim that we never had a relationship, and refused to not delete the evidence against my will. Evidance Spoilage is illegal here in California and in Missouri, as stated in many won cases.

After reporting the hacking incident to the police, I was informed that the case would have been much easier to peruse in the means of finding my EX husband, with more evidance, and if sooner reported.

My other EX who is withholding evidence from me refused to delete the evidance against my will, and refuses to give me the evidance.

I have heard through friends of my recent EX and is current girlfriend that they are telling everyone that they have a restraining order on me.

I have contacted the courthouse and found none filed. If one is filed, I am going to travel and attend the hearing to show evidance in my favor.

What I really need, is an attorney that can help me get communication happening between California, Montana (where my abusive EX lives) and Missouri (where my current Ex lives) so that we can compile the most evidence and figure out what really happened, and persue criminal and civil cases against both Aaron (my abusive ex) and Derek (my current Ex.

I have much evidance compiled, printed and saved on my computer in both cases. Thank You!
You seem to have quite as mess.
After all that, it really isn't clear to me what your legal question is.
It does seem that your best course of actin may be to do nothing, ignore these people from your part, and move on with your life.
I'm not certain what you hope to achieve, but it senems clear you have little if anything to pursue so long after the fact.
You might consider speaking with a counselor who can help you make sense of things and find a path forward.
Despite your long post, it isn't clear that you have a case for anything at all. Who are you trying to sue and for what? Evidence only exists as it relates to an actual case. What you describe is not spoilation of evidence. Who has what and what are you trying to get them to do with it?
If you wish to HIRE an attorney, you open the yellow pages, make appointments, visit with a few, hire THE one you believe will do you the most good.

You don't hire real attorneys via the Internet, you'll get scammed.
I'm sorry that people in general can't handle long stories, but I am criminally persuing my EX for abdusting my cat and hacking my identity, and my other EX is withholding evidance in that case. I'm surprised that attorneys would just tell me to move on with my life and let people get away with doing illegal things. Also, I will be suing both of them for pain and suffering, and loss of my belongings.
I'm surprised that attorneys would just tell me to move on with my life and let people get away with doing illegal things.

This is part of why you should not give much weight to the things strangers on the Internet have to say about things that impact your life.

That said, letting it go is sound advice and applies to many scenarios. It is a swift and inexpensive solution that anyone can utilize, and it is far less stressful.
You can't pursue criminal charges. You can report whatever crimes you believe occurred to the police and they along with the state will determine if there is a viable case. the state is the only party that can press criminal charges (at least as relevant here). Until that happens, there is no "case". Why your other ex has any relevant information is a mystery but if there is an actual criminal case, then that information will be obtained by law enforcement or the attorneys. You yourself are not entitled to anything your ex might have, even if you think it might be helpful should a case actually come to pass. There are rules that govern how evidence in a case might be obtained and they do not include the victim taking it from some other party.

You can only sue civilly for actual damages you incurred as a result of his actions. If Fluffy has vet bills as a result of whatever your ex did, you could sue him for the cost of those bills. If you incurred some sort of financial damages as the result of identity theft, you could sue him for your actual money damages. You can't sue to get pictures back you freely sent or make him delete explicit conversations you had. It seems obvious but it is extremely unwise to store such things on a medium like FB or anywhere they could be hacked and accessed.

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