Naming Beneficiary for Proceeds from Unsettled Trust Litigation


Currently in ridiculous Trust litigation due to objections to Trust Accounting.

Death occurred in 2015, and I sought legal counsel in 2019 after no response from estate Trust attorney. Litigation still ongoing...

I'm not going to live forever, so can someone enlighten me as to how these prospective proceeds can be assigned to a beneficiary if I were to die?

Thanks very much in advance!
That's easy. You make a will specifying who gets your money when you die. If you are dead when the trust money is distributed, it will be distributed to your estate and your executor will distribute it in accordance with the terms of your will.
can someone enlighten me as to how these prospective proceeds can be assigned to a beneficiary if I were to die?

By you executing an assignment or by making a will or a trust. Or, if you're happy with the disposition dictated by the intestate succession laws, don't do anything.
That's easy. You make a will specifying who gets your money when you die. If you are dead with the trust money is distributed, it will be distributed to your estate and your executor will distribute it in accordance with the terms of your will.

Thank you. How would one refer to this in the property listing: "Proceeds from Trust litigation involving so and so.......?" Should I mention the name of my legal counsel handling the case, etc?
Should I mention the name of my legal counsel handling the case, etc?

You might find it very helpful to have a conversation with your attorney, express your desires and wishes, asking her/him/it to suggest applicable solutions.

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