ND Gov. Burgum: Fake Debate "aka" ARGUMENT/SQUABBLE 'Absolutely 3 on 1' Attack!!!

army judge

Super Moderator

North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum told Newsmax on Wednesday that the debate on Tuesday night between former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris was not a fair fight because the two ABC News moderators seemed to be on Harris' side.

"Absolutely it was three on one and I think … we'll be able to go back and watch the tape and see how many times the moderators bailed out Kamala, how many times they failed to ask her follow-up questions," Burgum said during an appearance on "Wake Up America." "I mean, she talked about fentanyl. We've lost the equivalent of five Vietnams worth of Americans to overdose deaths since Biden and Harris took office — 330,000 people died in the first three years of their time in office."

"She was talking about the scourge of fentanyl and they didn't bring that question up with her," he continued. "And then just two days before the debate, it had come out that on a form that she'd filled out for her campaign in 2019 that she was for legalizing the personal use of all drugs, including cocaine and fentanyl. I mean, these are the kinds of questions that a moderator would follow up on."

In laying out her economic plan, Harris had floated the idea of price controls, which Trump's campaign knocked as "out of Venezuela." Burgum pointed out that Harris did not mention her plan on the debate stage Tuesday night and neither of the moderators challenged her on it.

"Three weeks ago, in her first time that she spoke about her plan, she talked about Venezuelan price controls," Burgum said. "She ran away from that last night. She didn't mention it. It was literally her first economic statement of her campaign and it got panned so badly by even Democrat economists, she didn't bring it up. And then the moderators didn't say, 'But hey, wait, three weeks ago you were talking about the opportunity economy.' The opportunity economy apparently meant that you could open up a grocery store, and then she would tell you what you could charge for a loaf of bread or for eggs or bacon. So, they let her off the hook over and over. ... If they run the tape, do the analysis, you'll see that it was three on one."

The governor also said that he doesn't think people will be talking about the debate a week from now. The people who support Trump "still support him this morning," and the same holds true for Harris, he said.

"This is going to come down to execution in swing states and swing counties," Burgum said. "Harris says, 'Hey, we're not going back.' Turns out swing voters do want to go back. They want to go back to the time under President Trump when the price of everything was lower, whether gas in your car, food on your table, electricity, rent, interest rates. And they want to go back to a time when we had peace abroad at the same time we had prosperity at home."

Debates were never real debates.

Debates became talking point fests, filled with traps and gotchas.

Most sincere candidates would fare better with impromptu town halls, door knocking campaigns, and simple chats with the citizenry.

Once the inaptly named journalists got involved, it became a cheap, tawdry, donkey stable.
It's worth remembering that Donald Trump wanted the debate and got many of the conditions he set for participating in this debate. He knew who was going to ask the questions, he knew the format for the debate as his campaign participated in designing it, he knew the technology set up too, as he insisted on that as well, including not having open mics. When you get the debate you wanted largely on your terms and do badly that's your fault, not the moderators. Trump performed badly and he doesn't want to take any responsibility for it. Anyone who has watched Trump at all closely over the last 4+ decades won't be surprised by that. Trump, in his mind, never does anything wrong, is always the best, and any time things don't work out for him he always has a ready scapegoat to blame for it.

He got the debate he wanted. He practically had to push Harris into doing it. It'd be refreshing to hear Trump say "I screwed up in that debate" but those words will never come out of his mouth. Now he says he won't do another debate and even rejected Trump-friendlly Fox News' offer to host a debate. Why? If he was really sure of his debate skills and thought it was mainly the moderators' fault he'd be willing to set up a debate with different moderators. That would fix the problem. But the real problem was Trump himself. Harris didn't so much win that debate as Trump lost it (despite Trump's repeated assertions that he won it, when everyone can see that's not the reality).

I've said this before, and I think the debate reinforces it: one of Trump's biggest problems is that he doesn't know when to stfu. He talks before he really thinks about what he's going to say. This is why I've said repeatedly that his campaign staff should limit his chances to get off script as much as possible. Work on highlighting his strengths, not put him in situations where he may shoot himself in the foot. We all have strengths and weaknesses, so my point here is not blaming Trump for not being especially good at this kind of thing. He just needs take heed when an aide tells that him that he is not great at EVERYTHING and to plan his campaign around the things he does really well.
This shows your true character.

Sure it does, stop quoting my posts! I ignore most of what you say, but since the truth triggered you to call me a racist. Linsey and David are both blue democrat shells keeping their jobs by going against anything Republican.

That shows your true character,
Sure it does, stop quoting my posts! I ignore most of what you say, but since the truth triggered you to call me a racist. Linsey and David are both blue democrat shells keeping their jobs by going against anything Republican.

That shows your true character,
I didn't call you a racist. Your inference is telling though...
I didn't call you a racist. Your inference is telling though...

what actually was your inference? Historical black universities and historically black sororities exist.

I do not think they allow white people in there organizations with the exceptions of mixed and/ or one or two. So I do not know what you are inferring or making reference to?

I could care less what Kamala Harris identifies as or claims to be. To say that this so called debate wasn't set up as an automatic W for Harris is disingenuous at best. It was made from the get go to make Trump look bad and build up a weak incompetent candidate who is not qualified for the position they are seeking.
It was made from the get go to make Trump look bad and build up a weak incompetent candidate who is not qualified for the position they are seeking.

Look, I know you support Trump but you can still support him and admit that he just didn't do well in the debate. It wasn't the debate format that made him look bad. It's how he handled himself in the debate that made him look bad. My guess is that he didn't really prepare all that much for it. He likes to wing these kinds of things. As I pointed out earlier Trump agreed to the debate and got much of what he wanted as far the debate set up was concerned. He was the one pushing for the debate. So even if it was made from the get go to make Trump look bad then Trump shares the blame for agreeing to the format, the moderators, etc. It's weak to claim it was the format or the moderators that were the problem when he had a big hand in the set up of the debate. That's simply sour grapes on the part of Trump and his supporters.
A Disney ABC won debate, being rebroadcasted in Disney+ as a win for the next POTUS is just crazy and LOL. Of course I remember when the liberals had Hillary crowned as well. Hope that happens this time.

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