need advice quick

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I have joint custody, and when we divorced we were living in same county. Ex then moved to Macoupin county, and has recently started asking me for gas. I just told him I couldn't pay him 20 for gas this Friday and now he is saying I am not getting the kids since I have no way to go get them, and he is refusing to bring them. what can i do?
all it says is the days we have them, it doesn't say anything about drop off pick up other than time frames for days. i have no way to get them from him and he is refusing to bring them or even meet me half way
Oh jeez. You need to get the orders changed. He moved away, right? Request that Dad be made responsible for pick-up and drop-off since he created the distance.

Other than that - yes I think he's being a twit, but I'm not seeing how you can do much about it other than try to file contempt. I can't see you being successful though since he's not actually withholding visitation - he's making the kids available to you, just not providing transportation.

Realistically, it's up to you to go get your kids. No relatives or friends with vehicles who can help out?
No and I told him that I would meet him halfway, because I can take the bus a town a way from him but he won't do that, when we doing that before I started working. Thank you for advice and hopefully I will be successful as far as having him made responsible for transportation.
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