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My ex husband is wanting to go to his lawyer and have him fix the holes in our divorce decree. According to ex, we both go to his lawyer's office and agree to what needs to be put in, and the lawyer sends it to judge. First, I don't have a lawyer nor do I have the funds for a lawyer so I have to go on my own. Is there anything I need to be aware of or to watch for?

Your husband's attorney is NOT working for you, or your best interests. Your husband's attorney is looking out only for your husband.

Proceed with caution.
As far as I am aware of the only things being changed is transportation issue, and putting a time for kid drop off on Fridays, since it just says after school. If I were to disagree with something what happens next?
As far as I am aware of the only things being changed is transportation issue, and putting a time for kid drop off on Fridays, since it just says after school. If I were to disagree with something what happens next?

Surely there's more being changed. What about the Monday visitation?

If you don't agree with something, don't sign it. If you do agree and sign, make sure you get a signed copy as well.
I don't know what to do about the Monday issue, my papers say I can have them till Monday at 7pm, but it also says that I have to ensure they get to school, which is a problem till I get a car. I don't want to change to Sunday in the papers, because then when I get a car in February I will have to still take back on Sundays, and continue to lose time with my children. What is the normal summer schdule consists of?
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