Other Criminal Charges & Offenses Need help with criminal charge involving accidenatally going around a roadblock!!!

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Well, Decided to take the plea bargain so I wouldnt have to keep going back and going to trial...I was afraid that they may use the fact that there were two officers and they may have an advantage if it comes down to their word aginst mine ..Looks like I will get the charges expunged and sealed within a few months if I behave..Thanks for the correspondence and advice Army Judge and Mightymoose...I appreciate your time....

The wrongfully Convicted..
Goodness gracious, sweet Justice Brandeis.

Ain't our justice system wonderful???
You're free to do anything you wish, OP.

Be forewarned, the powers that be don't like you to resist.

They want to only apply the KY and do a thorough job on your "you know what" when you fight!!!

By the powers that be, you mean the Jury, Right ?

No criminal intent, means no crime, if there are no stated damages on the court record.


if the officers failed to state any damages on the complaint, the powers that be, would lack subject matter jurisdiction.

as any complaint, requires facts of the crime (what damages he caused) not just conclusions of law
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You go ahead keep on believing that tripe.

It'll catch up to you very ordinary day.

By the powers that be, you mean the Jury, Right ?

No criminal intent, means no crime.


if the officers failed to state any damages on the complaint, the powers that be, would lack subject matter jurisdiction.

as any complaint, requires facts of the crime (what damages he caused) not just conclusions of law
You go ahead keep on believing that tripe.

It'll catch up to you very ordinary day.

In law, strict liability is a standard for liability which may exist in either a criminal or civil context. A rule specifying strict liability makes a person legally responsible for the damage and loss caused by his or her acts and omissions regardless of culpability (including fault in criminal law terms, typically the presence of mens rea). Strict liability is prominent in tort law (especially product liability), corporations law, and criminal law.

its my understanding, if no damages are stated on the alleged complaint, one cant be held striictly liable.

if no ones legal rights were violated and there was no real damages, how can any complaintant have legal standing?

a plaintiff always is required to have legal standing in a court of record?
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