Parole, Probation Need some advice..

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Okay. In Jan 08, I was placed on Felony probation for resisting arrest with violence. In May 08, I violated with a DUI. From August 12, 09 to Jan 19, 09, I lived in the county jail. Since then, I have not violated any terms of drug offernder probation. I met all of the Judges requirements, and paid off all of my fines. In February of 2012, I requested early termination and was denied because of my violation in 08. I now have one year left, but I want off this stuff. I have been living a different life for the past 4 years. Is there anyway I can have my case reconsidered?
Can I appeal the judges denial? My P.O. says I should. Do I need a Lawyer? I know people who where on the same probation as me, and violated but still was granted early term after paying off everything.
Early termination and release from probation is solely up to the sentencing judge.
Some judges get really perturbed at people that violate the terms of probation.
Those judges see that as a contract between the probationer and themselves.
I suggest you keep working your program, stay out of trouble, and avoid making waves with the judge.
It is solely up to the judge that sentenced you.
Your PO could write a letter requesting early release.
Your PO has a voices and judges listen to their recommendations.
Could it be your PO is instigating you to do something stupid????
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