Contact terms below with names removed and I signed it 2 months ago.
Broker Initials (__________)(__________)
(C.A.R. Form BRE, Revised 12/17)
BRE REVISED 12/17 (PAGE 1 OF 4) Print Date
© 2017, California Association of REALTORS®, Inc.
Buyer's Initials (__________)(__________)
1. EXCLUSIVE RIGHT TO REPRESENT: ________________________________________________________________ ("Buyer")
grants __________________________________________________________________________________________ ("Broker")
beginning on (date) ____________________ and ending at: (i) 11:59 P.M. on (date) ____________________, or (ii) completion of
a resulting transaction, whichever occurs first ("Representation Period"), the exclusive and irrevocable right, on the terms specified in
this Agreement, to represent Buyer in acquiring real property or a manufactured home as follows:
(1) Any purchase, lease or other acquisition of any real property or manufactured home described as
Price range: $______________________________________ to $______________________________________________
OR (2) The following specified properties only:_____________________________________________________________________
OR (3) Only the properties identified on the attached list.
B. Broker agrees to exercise due diligence and reasonable efforts to fulfill the following authorizations and obligations.
C. Broker will perform its obligations under this Agreement through the individual signing for Broker below or another real estate
licensee assigned by Broker, who is either Broker individually or an associate-licensee (an individual licensed as a real estate
salesperson or Broker who works under Broker's real estate license). Buyer agrees that Broker's duties are limited by the terms of
this Agreement, including those limitations set forth in paragraphs 5 and 6.
A. DISCLOSURE: Unless the property is 5 or more residential dwelling units, Buyer acknowledges receipt of the "Disclosure
Regarding Real Estate Agency Relationships" (C.A.R. Form AD) prior to entering into this Agreement.
B. BUYER REPRESENTATION: Broker will represent, as described in this Agreement, Buyer in any resulting transaction.
C. (1) POSSIBLE DUAL AGENCY WITH SELLER: (C(1) APPLIES UNLESS C(2)(i) or (ii) is checked below.)
Depending on the circumstances, it may be necessary or appropriate for Broker to act as an agent for both Buyer and a seller,
exchange party, or one or more additional parties ("Seller"). Broker shall, as soon as practicable, disclose to Buyer any election
to act as a dual agent representing both Buyer and Seller. If Buyer is shown property listed with Broker, Buyer consents to Broker
becoming a dual agent representing both Buyer and Seller with respect to those properties. In event of dual agency, Buyer agrees
that: (a) Broker, without the prior written consent of Buyer, will not disclose to Seller that the Buyer is willing to pay a price greater
than the price offered; (b) Broker, without the prior written consent of Seller, will not disclose to Buyer that Seller is willing to sell
Property at a price less than the listing price; and (c) other than as set forth in (a) and (b) above, a dual agent is obligated to
disclose known facts materially affecting the value or desirability of the property to both parties.
OR (2) SINGLE AGENCY ONLY: (APPLIES ONLY IF (i) or (ii) is checked below.)
(i) Broker's firm lists properties for sale: Buyer understands that this election will prevent Broker from showing Buyer those
properties that are listed with Broker's firm or from representing Buyer in connection with those properties. Buyer's acquisition of a
property listed with Broker's firm shall not affect Broker's right to be compensated under paragraph 3. In any resulting transaction
in which Seller's property is not listed with Broker's firm, Broker will be the exclusive agent of Buyer and not a dual agent also
representing Seller.
OR (ii) Broker's firm DOES NOT list property: Entire brokerage firm only represents buyers and does not list property. In any
resulting transaction, Broker will be the exclusive agent of Buyer and not a dual agent also representing Seller.
D. OTHER POTENTIAL BUYERS: Buyer understands that other potential buyers may, through Broker, consider, make offers on
or acquire the same or similar properties as those Buyer is seeking to acquire. Buyer consents to Broker's representation of such
other potential buyers before, during and after the Representation Period, or any extension thereof.
E. NON CONFIDENTIALITY OF OFFERS: Buyer is advised that Seller or Listing Agent may disclose the existence, terms, or
conditions of Buyer's offer unless all parties and their agent have signed a written confidentiality agreement. Whether any such
information is actually disclosed depends on many factors, such as current market conditions, the prevailing practice in the real
estate community, the Listing Agent's marketing strategy and the instructions of the Seller.
F. CONFIRMATION: Unless the property is for 5 or more residential dwelling units, Broker shall confirm the agency relationship
described above, or as modified, in writing, prior to or concurrent with Buyer's execution of a Property Contract (as defined below).
NOTICE: The amount or rate of real estate commissions is not fixed by law. They are set by each Broker
individually and may be negotiable between Buyer and Broker (real estate commissions include all
compensation and fees to Broker).
Buyer agrees to pay to Broker, irrespective of agency relationship(s), as follows:
A. AMOUNT OF COMPENSATION: (Check (1), (2) or (3). Check only one.)
(1) 2.5 percent of the acquisition price AND $ ___________________________________________________________,
OR (2) $595 admin fee___________________________________________________________,
OR (3) Pursuant to the compensation schedule attached as an addendum ____________________________________________.Broker Initials (__________)(__________)
B. COMPENSATION PAYMENTS AND CREDITS: Buyer is responsible for payment of compensation provided for in this
Agreement. However, if anyone other than Buyer compensates Broker for services covered by this Agreement,
that amount shall be credited toward Buyer's obligation to pay compensation. If the amount of compensation Broker
receives from anyone other than Buyer exceeds Buyer's obligation, the excess amount shall be disclosed to Buyer and if
allowed by law paid to Broker, or credited to Buyer, or other ________________________________________________.
C. BROKER RIGHT TO COMPENSATION: Broker shall be entitled to the compensation provided for in paragraph 3A:
(1) If during the Representation Period, or any extension thereof, Buyer enters into an agreement to acquire property described
in paragraph 1A, on terms acceptable to Buyer provided Seller completes the transaction or is prevented from doing so by Buyer.
(Broker shall be entitled to compensation whether any escrow resulting from such agreement closes during or after the expiration
of the Representation Period.)
(2) If, within ___ calendar days after expiration of the Representation Period or any extension thereof, Buyer enters into an
agreement to acquire property described in paragraph 1A, which property Broker introduced to Buyer, or for which Broker acted
on Buyer's behalf. The obligation to pay compensation pursuant to this paragraph shall arise only if, prior to or within 3 (or
_____) calendar days after expiration of this Agreement or any extension thereof, Broker gives Buyer a written notice of those
properties which Broker introduced to Buyer, or for which Broker acted on Buyer's behalf.
D. TIMING OF COMPENSATION: Compensation is payable:
(1) Upon completion of any resulting transaction, and if an escrow is used, through escrow.
(2) If acquisition is prevented by default of Buyer, upon Buyer's default.
(3) If acquisition is prevented by a party to the transaction other than Buyer, when Buyer collects damages by suit, settlement
or otherwise. Compensation shall equal one-half of the damages recovered, not to exceed the compensation provided for in
paragraph 3A, after first deducting the unreimbursed payments, credits and expenses of collection, if any.
E. Buyer hereby irrevocably assigns to Broker the compensation provided for in paragraph 3A from Buyer's funds and proceeds in
escrow. Buyer agrees to submit to escrow any funds needed to compensate Broker under this Agreement. Broker may submit
this Agreement, as instructions to compensate Broker, to any escrow regarding property involving Buyer and a seller or other
F. "BUYER" includes any person or entity, other than Broker, related to Buyer or who in any manner acts on Buyer's behalf to
acquire property described in paragraph 1A
G. (1) Buyer has not previously entered into a representation agreement with another broker regarding property described in
paragraph 1A, unless specified as follows (name other broker here): ______________________________________________
(2) Buyer warrants that Buyer has no obligation to pay compensation to any other broker regarding property described in
paragraph 1A, unless Buyer acquires the following property(ies):_________________________________________________.
(3) If Buyer acquires a property specified in G(2) above during the time Buyer is obligated to compensate another broker, Broker
is neither: (i) entitled to compensation under this Agreement, nor (ii) obligated to represent Buyer in such transaction.
4. INTERNET ADVERTISING; INTERNET BLOGS; SOCIAL MEDIA: Buyer acknowledges and agrees that: (i) properties presented to
them may have been marketed through a "virtual tour" on the Internet, permitting potential buyers to view properties over the Internet,
or that the properties may have been the subject of comments or opinions of value by others on Internet blogs or other social media
sites; (ii) neither the service provider(s) nor Broker has control over who will obtain access to such services or what action such
persons might take; and (iii) Broker has no control over how long the information concerning the properties will be available on the
Internet or social media sites.
A. Buyer authorizes Broker to: (i) locate and present selected properties to Buyer, present offers authorized by Buyer, and assist
Buyer in negotiating for acceptance of such offers; (ii) assist Buyer with the financing process, including obtaining loan prequalification; (iii) upon request, provide Buyer with a list of professionals or vendors who perform the services described in the
attached Buyer's Inspection Advisory; (iv) order reports, and schedule and attend meetings and appointments with professionals
chosen by Buyer; (v) provide guidance to help Buyer with the acquisition of property; and (vi) obtain a credit report on Buyer.
B. For property transactions of which Broker is aware and not precluded from participating in by Buyer, Broker shall provide and
review forms to create a property contract ("Property Contract") for the acquisition of a specific property ("Property"). With
respect to such Property, Broker shall: (i) if the Property contains residential property with one to four dwelling units, conduct
a reasonably competent and diligent on-site visual inspection of the accessible areas of the Property (excluding any common
areas), and disclose to Buyer all facts materially affecting the value or desirability of such Property that are revealed by this
inspection; (ii) deliver or communicate to Buyer any disclosures, materials or information received by, in the personal possession
of or personally known to the individual signing for Broker below during the Representation Period; and (iii) facilitate the escrow
process, including assisting Buyer in negotiating with Seller. Unless otherwise specified in writing, any information provided
through Broker in the course of representing Buyer has not been and will not be verified by Broker. Broker's services are
performed in compliance with federal, state and local anti-discrimination laws.
Buyer's Initials (__________)(__________)DRAFT
Buyer: _______________________________________________________________________________ Date:_________________
A. While Broker will perform the duties described in paragraph 6B, Broker recommends that Buyer select other professionals,
as described in the attached Buyer's Inspection Advisory, to investigate the Property through inspections, investigations,
tests, surveys, reports, studies and other available information ("Inspections") during the transaction. Buyer agrees that these
Inspections, to the extent they exceed the obligations described in paragraph 6B, are not within the scope of Broker's agency
duties. Broker informs Buyer that it is in Buyer's best interest to obtain such Inspections.
B. Buyer acknowledges and agrees that Broker: (i) does not decide what price Buyer should pay or Seller should accept; (ii) does
not guarantee the condition of the Property; (iii) does not guarantee the performance, adequacy or completeness of inspections,
services, products or repairs provided or made by Seller or others; (iv) does not have an obligation to conduct an inspection of
common areas or offsite areas of the Property; (v) shall not be responsible for identifying defects on the Property, in common
areas or offsite unless such defects are visually observable by an inspection of reasonably accessible areas of the Property
or are known to Broker; (vi) shall not be responsible for inspecting public records or permits concerning the title or use of the
Property; (vii) shall not be responsible for identifying the location of boundary lines or other items affecting title; (viii) shall not
be responsible for verifying square footage, representations of others or information contained in Investigation reports, Multiple
Listing Service, advertisements, flyers or other promotional material; (ix) shall not be responsible for providing legal or tax advice
regarding any aspect of a transaction entered into by Buyer or Seller; and (x) shall not be responsible for providing other advice
or information that exceeds the knowledge, education and experience required to perform real estate licensed activity. Buyer
agrees to seek legal, tax, insurance, title and other desired assistance from appropriate professionals.
C. Broker owes no duty to inspect for common environmental hazards, earthquake weaknesses, or geologic and seismic hazards.
If Buyer receives the booklets titled "Environmental Hazards: A Guide for Homeowners, Buyers, Landlords and Tenants," "The
Homeowner's Guide to Earthquake Safety," or "The Commercial Property Owner's Guide to Earthquake Safety," the booklets are
deemed adequate to inform Buyer regarding the information contained in the booklets and, other than as specified in 6B above,
Broker is not required to provide Buyer with additional information about the matters described in the booklets.
A. Buyer agrees to timely view and consider properties selected by Broker and to negotiate in good faith to acquire a property.
Buyer further agrees to act in good faith toward the completion of any Property Contract entered into in furtherance of this
Agreement. Within 5 (or ______) calendar days from the execution of this Agreement, Buyer shall provide relevant personal
and financial information to Broker to assure Buyer's ability to acquire property described in paragraph 1. If Buyer fails to provide
such information, or if Buyer does not qualify financially to acquire property described in paragraph 1, then Broker may cancel this
Agreement in writing. Buyer has an affirmative duty to take steps to protect him/herself, including discovery of the legal, practical
and technical implications of discovered or disclosed facts, and investigation of information and facts which are known to Buyer
or are within the diligent attention and observation of Buyer. Buyer is obligated, and agrees, to read all documents provided to
Buyer. Buyer agrees to seek desired assistance from appropriate professionals, selected by Buyer, such as those referenced in
the attached Buyer's Inspection Advisory.
B. Buyer shall notify Broker in writing (C.A.R. Form BMI) of any material issue to Buyer, such as, but not limited to, Buyer requests
for information on, or concerns regarding, any particular area of interest or importance to Buyer ("Material Issues").
C. Buyer agrees to: (i) indemnify, defend and hold Broker harmless from all claims, disputes, litigation, judgments, costs
and attorney fees arising from any incorrect information supplied by Buyer, or from any Material Issues that Buyer
fails to disclose in writing to Broker; and (ii) pay for reports, Inspections and meetings arranged by Broker on Buyer's
D. Buyer is advised to read the attached Buyer's Inspection Advisory for a list of items and other concerns that typically warrant
Inspections or investigation by Buyer or other professionals.
9. ATTORNEY FEES: In any action, proceeding or arbitration between Buyer and Broker regarding the obligation to pay compensation
under this Agreement, the prevailing Buyer or Broker shall be entitled to reasonable attorney fees and costs, except as provided in
paragraph 11A.
10. ENTIRE AGREEMENT: All understandings between the parties are incorporated in this Agreement. Its terms are intended by the
parties as a final, complete and exclusive expression of their agreement with respect to its subject matter, and may not be contradicted
by evidence of any prior agreement or contemporaneous oral agreement. This Agreement may not be extended, amended, modified,
altered or changed, except in writing signed by Buyer and Broker. In the event that any provision of this Agreement is held to be
ineffective or invalid, the remaining provisions will nevertheless be given full force and effect. This Agreement and any supplement,
addendum or modification, including any copy, whether by copier, facsimile, NCR or electronic, may be signed in two or more
counterparts, all of which shall constitute one and the same writing.
Buyer's Initials (__________)(__________)
Buyer's Inspection Advisory (C.A.R. Form BIA-B)
Statewide Buyer and Seller Advisory (C.A.R. Form SBSA)
Broker Initials (__________)(__________)Buyer: _______________________________________________________________________________ Date:_________________
A. MEDIATION: Buyer and Broker agree to mediate any dispute or claim arising between them regarding the obligation to pay
commission under this Agreement, before resorting to arbitration or court action. Mediation fees, if any, shall be divided
equally among the parties involved. If, for any dispute or claim to which this paragraph applies, any party (i) commences an
action without first attempting to resolve the matter through mediation, or (ii) before commencement of an action, refuses to
mediate after a request has been made, then that party shall not be entitled to recover attorney's fees, even if they would
otherwise be available to that party in any such action. Exclusions from the mediation agreement are specified in paragraph 11B.
B. MEDIATION TERMS: The following matters are excluded from mediation: (i) a judicial or non-judicial foreclosure or other
action or proceeding to enforce a deed of trust, mortgage or installment land sale contract as defined in Civil Code §2985;
(ii) an unlawful detainer action; (iii) the filing or enforcement of a mechanic's lien; and (iv) any matter that is within the
jurisdiction of a probate, small claims or bankruptcy court. The filing of a court action to enable the recording of a notice of
pending action, for order of attachment, receivership, injunction, or other provisional remedies, shall not constitute a waiver
of the mediation provisions.
C. ADVISORY: If Buyer and Broker desire to resolve disputes arising between them through arbitration rather than
court, they can document their agreement by attaching and signing an Arbitration Agreement Buyer acknowledges that Buyer has read, understands, received a copy of and agrees to the terms of this Agreement.