Im having the same problem. Below is the complaint letter I wrote.
I would like to submit a formal complaint of harassment that I'm experiencing from a new neighbor that moved in under me recently. I have had several unnecessary encounters with this neighbor complaining of noise coming from my apartment. And there were two instances where this happened when my children were present, once on a birthday, and once on a normal visit. Both of which involved foul language and voice tone that children should not witness.
This neighbor claims to need a zero noise level from dinner time and beyond, for that he needs to go to bed early to wake up for work around 3-4 in the morning. All his claims made of loud noise are not true, except for the afternoon that I had my daughter's birthday party. He complained of loud noise after we sang happy birthday. I also received a visit from the police department today on a complaint "from my neighbor down stairs". I was told that it was a complaint of loud noise. The officers clearly witnessed no such noise. Is a matter of fact, it took me a minute just to get to the door because I was in the shower at the time. At that point we can only guess that he was complaining about me taking a shower.
I have accommodated this neighbor well beyond the means of corporation, to the point where I'm actually tip toeing around the apartment, and afraid to move. The only noise that comes from my apartment is the shower, toilet, and the creaking of the floors. I have lived in apartments for the last 16 years without even one complaint, you can check if you would like. Does this neighbor have a history of logging complaints in the places he use to live at? I'm not sure if any medical problems on the neighbor's behalf are causing these exaturations, but I would strongly ask that you follow up on my complaint. If this harassment doesn't cease, I may be forced to press harassment charges.
History of Encounters
• First was when I was watching TV, my older daughter was on the computer, and my younger one was sleeping. He banged on the floor with something and yelled to be quite, this woke up my daughter. He then came up later and asked that we stop jumping around, I told him no one is jumping, is a matter of fact my daughter was sleeping.
• The second time he came up and stated that we need to stop making noise because he really needs sleep, I was the only one here at the time, and I was on the computer doing work. The TV wasn't even on this time.
• The third time was when I had my daughter's birthday party. He came up to complain right after we sang happy birthday. Even though I found this to be impatient on his behalf, I apologized and sent them outside for awhile. They came in an hour later to open presents, and play a game of cards. He then came up again to complain of loud talking and walking around, and stated that he has already complained about me and the noise, and I better keep it down before he complains again and I get kicked out. (Used foul language here) My company was disgusted and uncomfortable from his actions, to the point that they pleaded to forget the birthday party and go home. This ruined my daughter's birthday party; they told me that he made them nervous from his attitude, and fibrillose complaining.
• The next encounter was late at night around 11:00. There was a couple talking in the building next door. (Voices are easy to hear late at night). He started banging on my ceiling again and yelled that he is trying to sleep, and have to get up in a few hours to work. I yelled back in aggravation (at this point), that it's not me; it's the people in the other building next to you. He was quite for awhile, and then started banging on the wall next door and screaming at them to be quite. This went on for 20 minutes. His yelling actually is what kept me up, not the noise from next door.
• Another recent encounter was again uncalled for. He came up to complain of loud banging. I was on the couch, and my older daughter was in front of me sitting at the computer. I had just finished putting dishes away. I told him that there is no one making abnormal noise in here, and my daughter was here to witness it. I suggested that it's coming from somewhere else. He then insinuated that I was lying, and the next time he will call the cops. He started getting verbal again in front of my daughter, at this point I told him to do what he has to do, and I shut the door to avoid further outbursts in front of my daughter.
• Just today the police department came to my door. They stated that they had just received a complaint of very loud noises in my apartment from a neighbor under me. I was alone in the shower. It even took me a minute to get to the door because I was in the shower. They said that they clearly see no problem, took my name, and left.
• There was other yelling out of his window at other kids playing in the yard in between all of the encounters I had with him.
All of the encounters above were on no particular day of the week, but did range between 5:30pm, and 9:00pm. This has gone on for about 2-3 months.
This neighbor to me clearly shows a history of wanting to complain over the littlest things. I'm having a hard time enjoying my stay here at Royal Crest, and it is very uncomfortable living a normal day to day life here with his harassment. There have been no problems until he moved in.
I have be very patient, but enough is enough.
I would appreciate you immediate attention to this matter